
University of Central Florida - Dual Campus Subject Librarians; University of Central Florida - Downtown Campus


“UCF Downtown” is a brand new 15-acre campus located in downtown Orlando that opened for classes on Aug. 26, 2019. UCF, in partnership with Valencia College, is bringing more than 7,000 students to live, learn and work in downtown Orlando. The campus’ proximity to Orlando’s Central Business District places students within walking distance of job and internship opportunities, and makes it easy for faculty to invite guest speakers to campus or collaborate with professionals in their field of study. The new Downtown Orlando campus includes a branch library to support the many graduate and undergraduate programs transferred DT from UCF’s legacy Main Campus and from Valencia College. The 2400 sq. ft. library located on the 2nd floor of the Dr. Phillips Academic Commons building.The DT library also has a blended UCF/Valencia collection of print and online resources, a spacious reading room for students, several research consultation areas, and library staff offices. UCF Libraries and Valencia are striving to maintain the same outstanding level of services and resources its users are accustomed to on their main campuses.One of UCF Libraries first decisions regarding the new DT campus was how best to provide librarian support for the transferred graduate and undergraduate programs. In addition to selecting a full-time Downtown Head Librarian and library paraprofessional staff, should UCF also hire full-time. Downtown Subject Librarians? Or, would it be better for UCF’s transferred academic programs to simply retain their trusted, veteran Main Campus Subject Librarians and ask those SLs to split their time between the two campuses? ? If this dual-campus librarian strategy was followed, four out of twelve Subject Librarians then would have program assignments on two campuses. Another consideration was whom should the DT SLs report to? Should it be the Main Campus Head of the Research & Information Services Dept. (whom these Subject Librarians had reported to for more than six years) or the new Downtown Head Librarian? The decision was that the four SLs who served programs transferred DT would continue to support those programs, while, also, continuing support for their programs remaining at Main Campus. It also was decided that the same reporting structure would remain in place.The four SLs who provide dual campus support include:Corinne Bishop (Subject Librarian for Public Administration and Public Affairs DT; Political Science and Criminal Justice on Main Campus)Richard Harrison (Subject Librarian for Communication DT; History, Philosophy, Religion, Woman & Gender studies on Main Campus)Rich Gause (Subject Librarian for Legal Studies DT; Government Information Librarian and Theatre Dept. on Main Campus)Renee Montgomery (Subject Librarian for Health Management and Informatics; Teaching & Engagement Librarian on Main Campus)Rachel Mulvihill (Head Librarian, Downtown Library)It was also decided to have the DT SLs continue to report to the Main Library Head of RIS.Before the DT Campus opened, the four SLs were busy preparing for their first year of dual-campus duties: participating in DT Campus orientation sessions; contributing to reassuring newsletters sent to the faculty and students transferred to the DT Campus; working with DT faculty on collection development for the DT programs, with some parts of the legacy Main Campus collections transferred DT as well as new titles, especially e-books, ordered for DT; becoming familiar with transportation routes between campuses, DT parking, office spaces, classrooms, and research consultation areas. As the final countdown began for the official Aug. 26th opening, the SLs encountered several 11th hour challenges: the DT Library opening was delayed by two months, which meant that the transfer of the print collections that they’d selected for their DT programs was also delayed by two months; DT library staff computers and printers were delayed; there were difficulties finding locations for DT face-to-face instruction and research consultations; difficulties commuting in DT traffic; difficulties with DT parking. Construction on the DT campus library was finally completed on October 14 and the DT library staff who had been offering limited library services from a Technology Assistance area located in a hallway adjacent to the new library entrance, happily moved into their official home. The new library space offers a research help desk and a check-out area for collections and course reserves. The library also provides daily courier services for Interlibrary Loan requests, access to electronic resources, printing, copying, scanning, and Ask a Librarian services.SLs are initially scheduling specific days and/or blocks of times to work at the DT campus each week. UCF Parking and Transportation Services operates 15 daily roundtrip express shuttles between the UCF main campus and the DT Campus. A DT Campus Garage is also available for SLs commuting in their own vehicles.SLs are providing instruction in classrooms that are designed to facilitate active learning. All classroom furniture is mobile with projectors provided in each classroom. Some classrooms also include several wall monitors to display presentations throughout the room and many have multiple whiteboards.In addition to reserving library office space as-needed, SLs have access to four ‘Library Huddle’ spaces where they can meet with faculty and students for consultations. These consultation areas are located on the second floor of the Dr. Phillips Academic Commons and these glass enclosed spaces overlook the building’s atrium. To accommodate research consultations on dual campuses, SLs are using the Springshare software program Libcal for appointment requests at both the DT and Main Campus locations. To accommodate research consultation on dual campuses, SL are using Libcal for appointment requests at both the DT Campus and Main Campus locations.Since many DT programs offer online course options, SLs rely on tools such as Zoom and Skype to increase their embedded presence in selected courses. What are pros and cons of serving as a SL on dual campuses? Some pros include continuing to be assigned to familiar academic programs and faculty and the excitement of working at a new campus. Cons include the two-month delay of the DT library opening, delays in DT print collections being available, and problems with traffic and parking.

Date Created

November 2019
