
Outreach - Academic Libraries; University of Central Florida Libraries - Outreach; Florida Gulf Coast University - Outreach


Two academic Research Managers present innovative outreach strategies that they coordinate in their respective libraries (UCF serves 68,000+ students, FGCU serves 15,000+ students) to support faculty/student success.At UCF, Subject Librarians reach out to their faculty to help them design “Research Intensive” courses and identify “Textbook Alternatives.” They also identify customized resources to support interdisciplinary Faculty Cluster initiatives and grant-seeking research faculty. Subject Librarians also send their faculty discipline-specific e-newsletters and congratulatory emails for various successes.Some UCF Subject Librarians have been given “engagement assignments” whereby they coordinate outreach to targeted student constituencies such as First-Time-In-College Students, Transfer Students, Honors in the Major Students, Undergraduate Research Students, International Students, and Graduate Students.Other UCF student outreach strategies include planning engaging library programs (celebrating Total Eclipse-of-the-Sun and Mars-viewing, Day of the Dead, Earth Day) and ensuring high attendance by inviting faculty to bring entire classes.FGCU Library’s Student Engagement Committee sponsors board game nights, an escape room, and National Novel Writing Month activities. “Library Ambassadors” (graduate and upper division students) connect with their peers by participating in instruction sessions, Mobile Librarian, and Reference Desk services.FGCU Subject Librarians reach out to faculty by adding a Research Guide for every course in their Canvas LMS, sending e-newsletters, honoring Faculty Authors, and purchasing textbooks for courses with the largest DFW rates and largest student enrollments.Sometimes just showing up at events is great outreach. One librarian attended a dissertation defense and now regularly serves as a reader in her subject area. Other librarians attended Research Day and now serve as judges.Presentation attendees are encouraged to ask questions and share ideas from their own institutional perspectives. After participating in this presentation, attendees will be knowledgeable about winning outreach strategies to support faculty and student success in their own institutions.

Date Created

January 2018
