
Two academic library research service managers discuss changes and innovations that they have coordinated in their respective libraries (University of Central Florida serving 60,000+ students http://library.ucf.edu/21st/[1] and Florida Gulf Coast University serving 15,000+ students http://library.fgcu.edu/admin/renewal.html[2]) due to major building renovations or other changes that their respective libraries are conducting.These changes and innovations include significantly downsizing print reference and other collections, relocating and redefining service points, reconfiguring public services, rethinking staffing models, adjusting subject librarian face-to-face activities, stepping-up online services, communicating with stakeholders, and keeping students and faculty in the loop so that their voices are heard and their needs met.Note: This chapter is an updated and enlarged version of the 2018 Charleston Proceedings article of the same title

Date Created

January 2018

