
information literacy; information fluency; academic libraries


University of Central Florida faculty and administrators recently endorsed a library-initiated proposal to integrate information fluency across the curriculum. The information fluency proposal was drafted in response to a university-wide call for proposals for a quality enhancement plan, which is a requirement for reaffirmation by the institution's regional accrediting body. After selecting information fluency as the winning proposal, university administrators, program and library faculty, and other support units collaborated to develop a comprehensive implementation and assessment plan. This article describes the role and purpose of a quality enhancement plan and the process by which information fluency was selected as a campus-wide core competency. The purposes to which program assessment results can be used are offered as is a description of the information fluency assessment plan at the University of Central Florida. The article concludes with observations regarding the anticipated impact of implementing and assessing information fluency on the libraries and other support units.

Date Created

October 2008
