

Sender Place

Rotterdam, Netherlands


James Harrison

Receiver Place


Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

51.922909, 4.470590


Roger Longworth, James Harrison, Quaker, Society of Friends, Emden, Germany, Palatinate, Germany, Amsterdam, Contact zone-othering, Movement- regional, Movement- international, Persecution- imprisonment, Persecution- expulsion, Persecution- released from prison, Travel network- journey path


Letter dated November 3, 1679 (October 24, 1679 Old Style) from Roger Longworth to James Harrison.


Ja: Ha: [James Harrison] / 
Rotterdam ye [the] 24 of ye [the] 8 mo^th^[month]: 1679

deare [dear] freind [friend] and Brather [Brother] in the blessed truth of our god
which is maid [made] maniefest [manifest] in our hearts it offten [often] flowes [flows] forth
to wards [towards] one another, as at this time, and to that end that we
may be gaithered [gathered] into it, more and more, and that our habittacion [habitation]
may be In Larged [enlarged] to the gloary [glory] amd Renowne [renown] of the Lord, and in
his blessed truth, which hee [he] hath [has] maniefest [manifest] amongest [amongst] us in
this the day of his great Love, in which hee [he] is houldnig [holding] it forth
unto the nationes [nations], and great is the worke [work] of this day, amongest [amongst]
the sons of men, the Lord is making way for his servants to
sound his blessed day which hee [he] will spread ^over^ naciones [nations] kinder
Tongues and people, in his aponted [appointed] time and season, to hime [him] 
alone by the gloary [glory] for ever more, deare [dear] Brother my heart
is full of that priar [prior] devine [divine] Love of god, it springs as an
over flowing [overflowing] founton [fountain] of Life, which sea or land cannot sep
perate [separate] by these thou [you] may understand I am verie [very] well ever
way [every way], blessed bee [be] the god of my Life, whose Arme [arm] and power
is my stranght [strength] and all theires [theirs] that puts theire [their] trust in him
I have had a Longe [long] Jor^n^nay [journey] in these eastren [eastern] couneries [countries] and good
searvies [services] in manie [many] pleaces [places] wheire [where] freinds [Friends] had never beene [been]
before, and noe [no] oppossion [opposition]in my Jornnay [journey] unto this day-
but only at Amden [Emden, Germany] amongest [amongst] those soddom mittes [sodomites] that would
not have Righteous Lote [Light] to have a beining [beginning] upon the earth, it-
was upon from the Lord god of heaven and earth to goe [go] to that
pleace [place], and to [strikethrough] them all, mag^ts^ [magistrates] prist [priest] and people
who had a hand in percequison [persecution], and brought Innosent [innocent]
Bloode [blood] upon theire [their] hands wo wo [woe, woe] from the Lord god of
heaven and earth if you doe [do] not spidely [speedily] Repent and
cease from percquison [persecution], and this a Longe [along] the streets, and 
the dreede [dread] and power of the Lord, seased [seized] upon manie [many]
for the cittie [city] was In an uprorar [uproar], and moderat [moderate] people
would have had mee [me] Into there [their] houses, from amongest [amongst] the
Ruide Reable [rude rabble], and when I came neare [near] the cittie [city] house the
offesicers [officers] meet mee [me] and gentely [gently] take hould [hold] of mee [me], and
Torned [tore] the people off, and put mee [me] into prison, and
one [on] the next morning brought mee [me] before the mag^ts^ [magistrates] whec [which]
I had a time to cleare [clear] my selfe [myself], and then sent backe [back]
to prison againe [again], and [piece missing] Lords power was over all their
heads and the [they] weire [were] Licke [like] booyes [boys], and one [on] the next day
sent mee [me] away according as I did desire, for I was-
then cleare [clear] , it may be thou [you] may have had an account: be
fore [before], soe [so] since I have beene [been] in the pelletinia [Palatinate, Germany] in the south
of Germania [Germany] and since in freese Land [Friesland, Netherlands], and had meetings
in freish [fresh] pleaces [places], I have some thoughts to goe [go] to Amster
dam [Amsterdam], and stay in these Lowe Countries [Low Countries] a Little time
and if the Lord make way, then for England, soe [so] I have 
given thee [you] a shoart [short] account of things tille [until] a forther [further]
opertunity [opportunity], soe [so] with my kind Love to thy [your] deare [dear] wife sonne [son]
and daughter and the rest of the famalie [family], and all deare [dear]

[letter continues in the left margin] 

freinds [friends] my Love In the Lord is to them all, and the god of my Life, keepe [keep] you all and prosarve [preserve]
you all, to the gloary [glory] of his great name, who is over all, and above all, blessed for ever [ripped corner]
thy [your] freind [friend] and bro: [brother] according to measuer [measure]:
Roger Longworth I desire a Line or two fro [from] [page ripped]







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