
Nikki Navaille


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Davy board, ceramic pieces from artist, handmade paper, gold decorative paper


I’ve been a ceramics major at UCF for about two years. I have struggled with the ceramic process, and found it hard to be consistent and successful. This book is a reflection of that struggle, and how the struggle has made me stronger and better. The cover is made of pieces of plates I pulled out of my first bad firing. The kiln did not reach temperature, and the glazes were ruined. Many pieces stuck to the shelf and were lost. It was the last firing of the semester, and I wasn’t able to refire them to fix them. By the time I returned the next semester, I had moved on to other projects and forgot about them. I decided to use these plates in a new way to reflect the art of kintsugi, the process of repairing broken pottery. I have connected my own personal fears, anxieties, and failures to the art of kintsugi: breakage and damage are not the end of a piece of pottery’s life, but a chapter in the history of the object. Similarly, we as people do not simply give up when we are broken or someone has hurt us; we heal and repair, and much like pottery repaired with kintsugi, we are given another chance.


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