Honors Undergraduate Theses from 2024
The Implementation of Effective Classroom Management: A Handbook for Secondary Level Teachers, Charlottie K. Allgire
Exploring I-Ready Mathematics And Its Support For Learning Fractions Of Third Grade Students, Allison Carnesale
Individual and Organizational Challenges to Implementing Prolonged Exposure Therapy in the Military Health System: A Systematic Review of Client and Provider Perspectives, Paris R. Cloutier
Measuring Elementary Students' Level of Acquisition of Historical Habits of Mind, Natalia E. Cruz
Elements Of The Criminal Mind, Kelsie A. Esposito Ms.
Elements Of The Criminal Minds, Kelsie A. Esposito Ms.
The Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice System, Natalie Garay
Shades of Justice: Exploring Colorism in the Hispanic Community and its Legal Battle for Equity, Christel A. Infante
Caring for the Caregiver: A Study on the Quality of Life of Informal Caregivers of Aging and Elderly Adults with Down Syndrome, Isabel E. Latorre-Lagos
Copyright Infringement In The Use Of Copyrighted Material By Generative Artificial Intelligence Programs, Kristin Lee
Perceptions And Prejudices: The Impact Of Societal Views On Minority Populations And Their Relations With Law Enforcement, Charlize K. Mejia-Velilla
Exploring The Integration Of Reggio Emilia-Inspired Practices In U.S. Early Childhood Settings, Petra K. Nguyen
Exploring Evidence-based Intervention Methods in the Juvenile Justice System, Edgar J. Quinones-Gomez
Relationship Between Fentanyl Misinformation and College Students' Intentions to Administer Naloxone, Zoe Ryon
Identifying Quality Hispanic Children’s Literature For Use In Kindergarten Through Second Grade, (2000-2024), Alexandra Isabel Serrato
Mapping Accessibility to Emergency Care Using Public Transportation, Bach Tran
No-Fault Compensation Plans In Negligence Cases: Is The Exclusive Remedy Constitutional?, Elizabeth A. Wyman
Theses from 2023
High Medicaid Nursing Homes: What Nursing Home and Resident Characteristics are associated with Covid 19 Cases?, Abigail A. Cobbina
An Advocacy Resource Guide to Address the Growing Reality of Youth Homelessness: Identifying Interventions for Education, Healthcare, and Housing in Central Florida, Venerina M. Costanza
Protection or Control? – The History & Impact of the Major Crimes Act on Native Americans and Its Future in Criminal Law, Cameron A. Garrow
Relationship Between Patient Race and Provider Communication, Kristin M. Marino
The Limitations of Freedom of Speech Regarding Academic Freedom: Balancing Constitutional Rights with Humanistic Responsibilities, Andrea Marrero-Bosch
The Significance of Art Education: Creating a Digital Classroom Advocating Art Education, Keri K. O'Connell
An Overview of the Current Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) System: Projections for Future Expansion of ADR within Florida's Civil Court System, Alysia Rose Patterson
An Equal Wage for All: Investigating the Gender Wage Gap in Opticianry, Christine E. Pinkney
Gateways to Lived Experiences: Analyzing Florida's B.E.S.T. Elementary ELA Standards to Create a Standards-Based Inventory List of Multicultural K-2 Children's Literature, Elizabeth D. Rios
Exploring Bibliotherapy and Creating Family Literacy Bags in Response to Community Violence, Sierra Urbaez
Theses from 2022
The Effects of Incarceration on Depression and Anxiety in Juveniles, Melanie Alfonso
Limited Court Access v. Poor and Indigent, Chinyere Anunobi
Assessing the Feasibility, Acceptability, Appropriateness, Barriers, and Facilitators to Implementing Naloxone Distribution in Residential Areas at UCF, Isabella S. Arguello-Howe
Citizen Trust and Governments' Response to Disasters, Berenice Belizaire
The Global Impact of COVID-19 and Tourism on Conservation Rangers' Guardianship Capabilities, Zachary Bockler
The Relationship Between Methadone Familiarity and Methadone Opinions Among Community Corrections Staff, Luis Israel Culcas
Impact of Counsel Type on Initial Release Decisions and Case Outcomes, Nefertari Elshiekh
Exploring Career Development Pathways In Postsecondary Film Studies Programs, Cesare Giovanni Fabietti
Exploring the Effects of Masks on Student Engagement in ECE and ESE: A Literature Review of Related Research, Anna M. Frahm
Conceptual Complexity and Terrorist Rhetoric: Examining Conceptual Complexity’s Role in Political Violence, Westley S. Hunter
Public Transportation in Central Florida: Setting the Tone for Public Rail Use, Zoe Johnson
The Need to Enact Federal, Environmental-friendly Incentives to Facilitate Infrastructure Growth of Electric Automobiles, Vamsikrishna Karanam
Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Among the LGBTQ+ College Population, Courteney Lewis
Understanding Barriers to Leaving Abusive Military Relationships, Christina Lopez Gonzalez
Examining the Prevalence and Representation of Diverse Populations in Children's Literature Found in Elementary Classroom Libraries, Trishell M. Matthews
“Stay Home, Save Lives": A Study on COVID-19 and Intimate Partner Violence, Grace E. Messina
The Fusion Between Differentiated Instruction and Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood Development and Education, Brianna Perry
Self-Assessment of Elementary Lesson Plans Through an Ecological Lens, Scott Edward Sebree
A Fall From Grace: The Rising Rate of Attorneys with Substance Abuse Disorders, Chemical Dependencies and Addictions, Amy M. Yost
Theses from 2021
Disparities in the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic and COVID-19: A Literature Review, Yusuf Amawi
An Analysis of the Constitutionality of the "Combating Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act of Florida", Paul Wesley Brown
Effects of the COVID-19 Economic Downturn on Central Florida Nonprofits, Tiffany C. Chinwuba
Exposure to Parental Conflict and Anxiety in Justice-Involved Youth, Logan B. Ewing
The Relationship Between Zero Tolerance Policies and the School-to-Prison Pipeline in Florida Schools, Claire L. Goltermann
Examining One Teacher's Practices in Supporting Students with Exceptionalities in an Online Setting, Alyson L. Hepler
An Examination of a Proposed Rule: Removal of SIRVA from the Vaccine Injury Table, Derrica N. Jackson
Exploring Portrayals of Black American Culture in Coretta Scott King Picturebooks Awarded from 2013 to 2020, Rebecca Jesse
Unpacking Perceptions of Play and Literacy in Early Childhood Education: Creating Home Literacy Bags as a Guide to Parental Support, Delaney C. Knapp
The Relationship between Campus Involvement and Civic Engagement, Sheina L. Koolik
Human Trafficking and Its Evolution into Cyberspace: How Has Technology Transformed Human Trafficking Over Time?, Gabriela Landron
Constitutional Camouflage: How Constitutional Methodologies Act as Smoke Screens for Supreme Court Justices, William J. Lijewski
Teacher Effectiveness in Underserved, Underfunded, and Under-Resourced Elementary Schools, Anais A. Placencia
History, Ideology, and Evolution of Criminal Profiling, Gayatri M. Ramesh
Reviving the Treason Charge, Hannah Snyder
An Examination of the Research Related to American Physicians' Prescription of Opioid Analgesics Before and After the Joint Commission Pain Standards for 2001, Valory Anne S. Vailoces
Theses from 2020
An Exploration of Federal, State of Florida, and Local Policies and Classroom Implementation in Early Childhood Education, Brittany Baggaley
Exploring Arts Integration in Language Arts Instruction for Elementary Education, Mary A. Dehner
Using Integrated Thematic Units to Teach Social Studies in the Intermediate Grades Classroom, Noelle Frantz
An Analysis of the use of Evidence-Based Classroom Management Practices in Pre-Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade Classrooms, Erica M. Garcia
Serial Murder and Media Coverage, Molly Gross
Implementing Social and Emotional Wellness Practices for their Pre-service Teachers: Opportunities and Barriers Facing Teacher Education Programs, Kris Ann P. Higgins
Collegiate Leadership and Involvement at UCF: A Study on Leadership Limitations, Benefits, and Creating Balance, Alyssa J. Marchione
The Evolution of Substantive Due Process Throughout Time, Vitoria Olivo Factor
Necessary and Convenient: The Effect of Commerce and Necessary and Proper Clause Jurisprudence, Janis Olkowicz
Using Children's Literature to Support Social and Emotional Learning in Third Through Sixth Grade Classrooms, Hayley L. Paljug
Reviewing Constitutionality of Time Spent on Death Row Under Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence, Angie Richardson
Creating a Sentence Frame Toolkit Based on Third Grade Writing Standards to Support the Writing Instruction of Spanish-Speaking English Learners, Tanisha J. Rosa Le Bron
An Exploration of the PedsAcademy Internship's Influence on Aspiring Educators' Preparation to Teach Children with Chronic Illnesses, Karla A. Sanabria Matos
Can General Strain Theory be Used to Explain the Relationship Between Recidivism and Secure Placement?, Alessia R. Shaw
In-service and Pre-service Teachers' Implicit Attitudes and Self-efficacy Beliefs Toward Teaching Racial Minority Students, Tiffany S. Tan
Racial Bias and Juror Selection in Death Penalty Cases, Kaitlyn D. Wallace
Theses from 2019
The Honorary White Population: Fighting for Self-Identification, Reina E. Chehayeb
Protecting Online Privacy in the Digital Age: Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth Amendment's Third-Party Doctrine, Cristina Del Rosso
Perceived Factors that Contributed to the Success of College Students with Dyslexia, Jessica Doyle
An Exploration of Integrating Visual Arts to Enhance Narrative Writing in the Elementary Classroom, Diana C. Herrera
Meta Analysis and Exportability of Studies on Florida DUI Court Programs, William Hodges
Evaluating Gendered Responses to Title IX Changes on College Campuses, Catarina E. Kaltenhauser
An Exploration of Teacher Perceptions of the Presence of Cultural Reproduction in Two Middle Schools, Kaitlyn Montcrieff
Black and Hispanic Drug Offenders in Juvenile Court: Implications for the Continued War on Drugs, Migdalia A. Rodriguez
The Effect of Family and Social Support on Suicidal Ideation in Jails, Megan L. Small
Willingness to Communicate and International Students' Use of L2, Michelle Verbitskaya
Post-Judgment Recovery and its Effectuation on the Contemporary Debtors' Prison: A Treble Analysis on Collections Law in the State of Florida, Andrew E. Weiner
All Things Considered: Child Custody After A Same-Sex Dissolution of Marriage, Alissa M. Williams
Utilizing Journaling in the Mathematics Classroom: A Handbook Guide for Teachers, Audrey Nicole Wilson
The Use of Children's Literature and Reflective Writing as a Means to Help Primary Elementary Students Cope with Natural Disaster, Connie T. Zenz
Theses from 2018
An Exploration of Representations of Race and Ethnicity in Three Transitional Series for Young Children, Sonia M. Balkaran
Exploring Diet, Physical Activity, and Self-Reported Health Status Among Individuals in the Medically Underserved Population, Kelley R. Devoe