Subject Librarians positively impacting student & faculty excellence at University of Central Florida Libraries


Subject Librarians


UCF Libraries initiated a Subject Librarian (SL) service model in spring 2013 in an effort to increase positive impacts on student and faculty success with regard to teaching, learning, research, and publishing. This initiative seeks to change the librarian’s role from reactive to proactive. There is a new emphasis on librarians getting out of the library building, visiting their assigned academic departments, participating in faculty meetings, and creating partnerships with faculty and students. The new service model also emphasizes enhanced visibility and accessibility of the librarians through a high profile SL Web site, a digital signage system that features the SLs, and proactive outreach via customized e-newsletters and research guides. In order to more thoroughly understand the mission, goals, research, and new directions of their constituencies, the SLs engage in academic department and faculty profiling, curriculum mapping, and curriculum-integrated research instruction. In addition, SLs are engaging in research, publishing, and presenting partnerships with their assigned academic faculty and students.Two new frontline SLs (John Venecek and Patti McCall) and the Head of Research & Information Services (Barbara Tierney) will each provide evidence of their individual perspectives and pathways for envisioning excellence for their assigned constituencies via UCF’s new SL service model. The poster display includes color samples of: the SL Web site ; SL digital signage; the SL Toolkit Lib Guide; SL—Academic Faculty and SL-Student partnerships; SL newsletters for academic depts.; SL five-year goal statement and year-by-year assessment rubric; SL training program; SL academic dept. profiling; SL academic faculty profiling; SL curriculum mapping; service desk model that supports SL program

Date Created

May 2014

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