ILIDI / ILINU - VR exhibition

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ILIDI / ILINU –acronym in Spanish for incubator of digital literature or in French for Incubateur de littérature numérique– was a Quebec-Mexico co-creation programme consisting of virtual workshops in digital literature and born from the collaboration between the TOPO artists' centre in Montreal, the artistic collective and the Centro de Cultura Digital of México. This training and dissemination programme in electronic art and literature aimed to develop the practice of writers, artists and programmers through different exchange and learning encounters in digital creativity, while at the same time moving towards a post-pandemic time.

Alone, in duos or trios, 11 artists created seven works, each installed in its own 3D virtual space, mounted on the Mozilla Hubs platform.

Although the exhibition proposal –due to the characteristics of virtuality and isolation from which it was conceived– took into account its 100% digital assembly, in mid 2023, in other / new conditions it was also possible to make presentations in person and also exhibit the pieces with virtual reality equipment, appealing to another type of experience for the user.

The exhibition proposal for the ELO2024 meeting is to re-inaugurate the virtual / web space in which the seven pieces are mounted. In addition, we have extended a panel proposal where we will put in dialogue part of the responsible team, but also some of the participating artists to contextualize and comment on the process and its results.

The pieces are:

1. Ané, by Jessica Tremblay, Mynah Marie and Leodán Morales

2. Collaborative Poetry, by Jessica Tremblay and Marjha Paulino

3. Re: < I'm all the landscape >, by Claudia Bernal

4. [error], by Martín Rangel

5. The humble equation, by Gaëlle Étémé and Mynah Marie

6. Píldoras contra el sueño [pills against sleep], by José Salvador Armas Ruiz

7. (Don't) be a cyborg, by Laura Xochitl Segura Lira, Oscar Angel Servin and Reyna Anahy Pérez Angeles

The seven pieces of ILIDI / ILINU [finalised] can be accessed via the following link, according to the instructions for using Mozilla Hubs: [ ].

This project was made possible thanks to the support of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec.


ILIDI / ILINU - VR exhibition

ILIDI / ILINU –acronym in Spanish for incubator of digital literature or in French for Incubateur de littérature numérique– was a Quebec-Mexico co-creation programme consisting of virtual workshops in digital literature and born from the collaboration between the TOPO artists' centre in Montreal, the artistic collective and the Centro de Cultura Digital of México. This training and dissemination programme in electronic art and literature aimed to develop the practice of writers, artists and programmers through different exchange and learning encounters in digital creativity, while at the same time moving towards a post-pandemic time.

Alone, in duos or trios, 11 artists created seven works, each installed in its own 3D virtual space, mounted on the Mozilla Hubs platform.

Although the exhibition proposal –due to the characteristics of virtuality and isolation from which it was conceived– took into account its 100% digital assembly, in mid 2023, in other / new conditions it was also possible to make presentations in person and also exhibit the pieces with virtual reality equipment, appealing to another type of experience for the user.

The exhibition proposal for the ELO2024 meeting is to re-inaugurate the virtual / web space in which the seven pieces are mounted. In addition, we have extended a panel proposal where we will put in dialogue part of the responsible team, but also some of the participating artists to contextualize and comment on the process and its results.

The pieces are:

1. Ané, by Jessica Tremblay, Mynah Marie and Leodán Morales

2. Collaborative Poetry, by Jessica Tremblay and Marjha Paulino

3. Re: < I'm all the landscape >, by Claudia Bernal

4. [error], by Martín Rangel

5. The humble equation, by Gaëlle Étémé and Mynah Marie

6. Píldoras contra el sueño [pills against sleep], by José Salvador Armas Ruiz

7. (Don't) be a cyborg, by Laura Xochitl Segura Lira, Oscar Angel Servin and Reyna Anahy Pérez Angeles

The seven pieces of ILIDI / ILINU [finalised] can be accessed via the following link, according to the instructions for using Mozilla Hubs: [ ].

This project was made possible thanks to the support of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec.