Morphing Bistability Composite Thermal Actuation Snap-Through
Composite laminate structures offer promising aerospace applications owing to their multi-functional capabilities. These composites exhibit the unique ability to transition between stable geometries, passing through an intermediate, predicted unstable geometry. Actuation is achieved through the application of external loading conditions, encompassing both mechanical and thermal stimuli, with a particular emphasis on the latter. The nonlinear response induced by such transitions experimentally motivates this research due to the minimal amount of data on the transition section between geometries. Application of these composites under loading conditions proves interesting for a thermal management application with additional thermal loading present. This use would require the composite laminate to withstand various loads, as well as to satisfy varying geometry constraints. Boundary conditions play a pivotal role in governing the composite's response, with certain configurations proving ideal for maximizing deformation. Understanding the dynamic response due to these various conditions allows for the implementation of the bistable composites in our thermal management case. Investigation of the total response and the speed of actuation during the loading process highlights the composite's viability. Through the repeated testing, both analytically and experimentally, the composite laminates have proven that they are viable for the thermal management application. Experimental research into the application, through the addition of the flat plate installed directly into the thermal management case, or the addition of the various other geometries is of much interest as this study continues to move forward.
Completion Date
Committee Chair
Kauffman, Jeffrey
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering (M.S.A.E.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Degree Program
Space System Dsgn and Engr Trk
Release Date
Length of Campus-only Access
Access Status
Masters Thesis (Open Access)
STARS Citation
Booth, Maxwell J., "Analytical and Experimental Verification of Bistable Composite Laminates for Aerospace Applications" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024. 342.
Accessibility Status
Meets minimum standards for ETDs/HUTs