Hydrogen, Autoignition, Turbomachinery, Hydrogen enriched natural gas
The successful transition to global clean energy is contingent upon meeting the increasing worldwide energy demand for power while simultaneously curbing greenhouse gas emissions. This study delves into the complexities of transitioning to cleaner energy sources and the challenges posed by utilizing hydrogen and hydrogen/natural gas mixtures as a potential fuel source alternative to traditional carbon-based combustion cycles. By addressing the technical intricacies and conducting thorough testing, researchers aim to enhance our understanding of auto-ignition behavior in different fuel-air mixtures under varying conditions, ultimately contributing to the development of safer and more efficient energy solutions in the pursuit of clean and sustainable power generation.
This study outlines the test methodology employed to assess conditions leading to auto-ignition for various fuel-air mixtures operating at different pressures (1 - 30 atm) and temperatures. The testing encompassed 100% H2 and multiple H2/NG blends at stoichiometric conditions. Similar testing was conducted for 100% NG to validate the test procedures and data collection methods referenced in previous literature. Under atmospheric conditions, 0-1 ATM, H2 exhibits a broader flammability range of EQs where ignition is more likely to occur compared to methane. H2's flammability ranges from 4% to 75% molar (volume) fuel concentration, corresponding to an EQ range of 0.137 - 2.57, while methane's flammability limit spans from 5% to 15% molar (volume) or an EQ between 0.53 – 1.58. Previous studies have explored the effect of longer hydrocarbons present in natural gas mixtures, with ethane (C2H6) and propane (C3H8) shown to decrease the ignition temperature (AIT) of natural gas, particularly at elevated pressures. These longer hydrocarbons are inclined to promote ignition in richer conditions, whereas methane tends to ignite more readily in slightly lean conditions. Besides pressure, fuel, and EQ, numerous variables such as chamber volume size, chamber materials, presence of diluents, and other factors can influence the AIT. The results revealed that, at atmospheric pressures, an increase in H2 concentration led to a reduced AIT. However, at 30 atm, a higher presence of H2 increased the AIT. At pressures exceeding 10 atm, an increased equivalence ratio resulted in a decreased AIT for all mixtures, with NG, exhibiting the greatest sensitivity to equivalence ratio variations.
Completion Date
Committee Chair
Vasu, Subith
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering (M.S.A.E.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Degree Program
Aerospace Engineering
In copyright
Release Date
August 2025
Length of Campus-only Access
1 year
Access Status
Masters Thesis (Campus-only Access)
Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Mastantuono, Garrett T., "Safety Testing for Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Natural Gas Mixtures for Decarbonizing Electric Power Plants" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024. 412.
Accessibility Status
Meets minimum standards for ETDs/HUTs
Restricted to the UCF community until August 2025; it will then be open access.