effective questioning, elementary mathematics education, mathematics instruction, question types, teacher understanding
This dissertation explores elementary mathematics teachers' understanding and implementation of effective questioning techniques within the instructional context. A qualitative, multiple case study design was employed for this dissertation in practice. This study was conducted in a K-5 school in Florida, focusing on four elementary school teachers in grades 3-5. Data collected included semi-structured interviews and live observations. Analysis of transcripts from interviews and observational notes provided an insider look into teachers’ planning and implementation of questioning.
The research was driven by two research questions: How do teachers implement questioning in mathematics instruction? and What factors influence teachers' planning and implementation of questioning in mathematics instruction? Through the examination of these questions, the study sought to unveil critical insights into the planning processes, the types of questions incorporated during instruction, and teachers' conceptualization of what constitutes effective questioning.
The findings of this dissertation revealed three themes which were 1) factors influencing questioning, 2) teachers’ understanding of effective questioning and professional development, and 3) alignment with learning objectives and student diversity. By identifying areas that warrant further examination, the study contributes ideas tailored to enhance the effectiveness of questioning in mathematics instruction. This dissertation in practice research aspires to guide instructional practices and make significant contributions to the broader landscape of mathematics education.
In conclusion, this dissertation offers a nuanced exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of questioning in mathematics instruction, with the intention of providing practical recommendations for educators and contributing to the ongoing discourse in the field of mathematics education.
Completion Date
Committee Chair
Bush, Sarah
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
College of Community Innovation and Education
Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research
In copyright
Release Date
August 2024
Length of Campus-only Access
Access Status
Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)
Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Vilabrera, Joslyn M., "Exploring Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding and Implementation of Effective Questioning as a Pedagogical Tool" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation 2023-2024. 428.
Accessibility Status
Meets minimum standards for ETDs/HUTs