Graduate students completing a thesis or dissertation will receive instructions from the Office of Graduate Student Life. Visit the Thesis and Dissertation website for more information.
The ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) post-2024 collection contains records of theses and dissertations submitted electronically beginning in 2024. Graduate students began submitting ETDs during the Spring semester of 2004. Electronic submission was optional until the Fall semester of 2004.
If your thesis or dissertation is one of the print-only works completed prior to 2004, you can help us make it available online for use by researchers around the world. If you would like to grant permission to the Library to digitize your work, follow the instructions on the distribution consent form here. Theses and dissertations will be digitized as time allows and will not become immediately accessible.
Theses/Dissertations from 2924
Exploring the Influence of Inclusive Middle School Classrooms on Resilience, Character Education, and Life Skills Development in Students with Disabilities, Katherine Bonilla
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Contextualizing TikTok Controversies: Critical Discourse Analysis of Platform Privacy Debates, Bshaer Kameil Aharazi
Heat transfer and pseudo-boiling of supercritical Carbon Dioxide in a parallel-flow microchannel and a micro-jets impingement device, Pranzal Ahmed
The Experience of Blind Mothers in Parenting Children with Disabilities ``, Abeer S. Ali
Towards Robust and Accurate Text-to-Code Generation, saleh almohaimeed
Opportunities and Insecurities: Discursive Power and the Neoliberal Transformation of Work in the Great Resignation, Caroline Austin
Developing Integrated DNA Molecular Circuits, Andrea C. Bardales Martinez
Evaluating Sexual Dimorphism in Occipital Morphological Shape Through Modern Human Ontogenetic Changes, Jennifer S. Barritt
Decoding and Generating Poetry: Using Feminist Theory and Digital Media to Demonstrate Maya Angelou's Writing as Activism, Emery Beckman
Home, Sweet Home: Gender the Civil War and Reunion Through Popular Music, Nathanial E. Bock
Defining the roles of BlaRI orthologs in Mycobacterium abscessus, Lauren E. Bonefont
Predicting Post-School Outcomes of Transition Aged Students With High Incidence Disabilities, Jacob Brewer
Past and Present Communities of Pottery Practice in Guatemala, Karla J. Cardona
Numerical and Analytical Evaluations of Impact of Atmospheric Particles on Aircraft, Brendon A. Cavainolo
Quantifying Age and Growth Rates of Gray Snapper (Lutjanus griseus) in Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, Wei Chen
Fourth and Fifth-Grade Teacher Experiences with ELS in the Science Classroom, Kiana Cheverez
Ammonia for Aviation, Brandon Cotto
Towards Label Efficiency and Privacy Preservation in Video Understanding, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave
Corporate Restructuring Spin-off in a Technical Project-Based Organization, Stephen J. Davis
The Effect of Perceived Discrimination on Alcohol Use Behaviors: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study Among Hispanic/Latinx Drinkers, Ardhys N. De Leon
Computational Approaches to Study Post Transcriptional Regulation Events, Naima Ahmed Fahmi
Adaptive Anomaly Prediction Models, Ashkan Farhangi
Foreign Language Writing Anxiety: Lived Experiences of International Graduate Students, Padideh Fattahi Marnani
Design Modifications to Reduce a Brushless Exciter Response Time, Esnick Felissaint
Application of a Zinc-Borate based nanoparticle to impede the spread of Huanglongbing, Carlos J. Flores
Strengthening the Cyber-Physical Resilience of Active Distribution Systems, Xue Gao
Design Parameters for a Piezoelectric-Based, High-Authority, High-Bandwidth Flow Injection Valve, Sydney A. Giannuzzi
Using electroencephalography to predict metabolic cost, Jordan Grubb
A Framework for Improving Employee Experience in the Hospitality Industry, Scott Hall
A Quantitative Approach to the Analysis of Human Hair for Forensic Examinations, David S. Hernandez Funes
Exploring Fraction Comprehension and Interest in Elementary Education Through AI-Powered Personalized Learning, Kenneth Holman
Chinese Masculinities During the Maoist Era: Representations of Model Men, Daniel L. Izadirad Mr.
Development of a Novel Mitochondria Biosensor, Randall K. James
Exploring How Administrative Factors Including Mentoring, Compensation, And Workload Impact The Retention Rates Of Novice Title I Teachers, Danielle Jones
Examining Anxiety and Online Learning Experiences, Charlotte A. Jones-Roberts
Effective and Efficient Use of Diffusion Models for Editing in Computer Vision, Umar Khalid
Transformer-based Methods for StarCraft Macromanagement And Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Muhammad Junaid Khan
A phenomenological study of the impact of anti-woke legislation on higher education, Brittany Knowles
Mathematical Developments for Bubble Dynamics, Kacie Kulenguski
Thermal Analysis Of Additively Manufactured Aluminum F357 And Inconel 718 In High-Enthalpy Hypersonic Flows, Andrew La Sorsa
Gait Entrainment & Energetics of Young Adults to Discrete Mediolateral Perturbations, Lindsey D. Lee
An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Study On Usable Cybersecurity And The Behaviorial Effects Of Cognitive Load, Corey Leong
Humor as an Instructional Communication Tool: Revisiting Humor and Exploring the New Punchline in Human-Machine Communication, Melissa M. Looney
Design and Optimization of Temperature-Stable MEMS Resonators for Timing Applications Based on Thin-Film Lithium Tantalate, Yasaman Majd
The Impact Of Bilingualism On Visual Semantic Processing, Ancuta Margondai
Flora and the Cloud Maker: Exploring Burnout Through Animation, Tiffany Marin
On immunogenomic evolution and disease in marine turtles, Katherine R. Martin
After A Tragedy: A Mobile Therapeutic Themed Experience, Sarah M. Massarelli
Exploring Barriers and Pathways to Public Engagement on Climate Change, Monica Mayer
Two Studies Examining the Effects of Cash Rewards and Non-Cash Rewards on Employee Perceptions and Motivation, Aaron McCullough
Ritual Change and Sociopolitical Transformations at the Maya Center of Pacbitun, Belize: Intra-Polity Interactions between Epicenter and Periphery, George J. Micheletti
The False Identity of a Filmmaker, Cheyanne Miller
Every Person a Home Every Home a Person, Emily R. Miller
DNA Nanotechnology: The Development of Multi-Functional Hybridization Sensors, Brittany L. Mueller
Bridging Data and Theory: A Gray-Box Approach to Traffic Flow Dynamics, Shakib Mustavee
Advanced Analysis of Mode Veering Variations in Academic Blisks, Nicolas Olore
External Boundary Conditions for Solidification Process Modeling of Equiaxed Investment Castings, Weston Olson
Empathy in Digital Healthcare, Michael R. Powell
Capable Rhetoric: Embodied Rhetorical Listening and Midwives' Arguments for the Maternal Body on Instagram, Aminta C. Quintero-Jackson
Typography and English as a Second Language (ESL) Reading: Impact of Variable Font Width, Letter Spacing, and Line Spacing on Reading Performance and Experience, Md Mamunur Rashid
The Role of School Culture and Autonomous Motivation in Supporting Academic Achievement and Teacher Retention in a Public Charter School: An Ethnographic Case Study, Amanda W. Reschke
Henry VIII & Rulership: A Contemporary Perspective of His Reign, 1509-1537, Jeremy M. Rodriguez
The Influence Of Natural And Anthropogenic Drivers On Estuarine Food Webs At Various Spatio-Temporal Scales And Levels Of Complexity, Michelle Shaffer
Comparison of bearing capacity estimates to the barcelona basic model implemented through finite element modeling in PLAXIS2D, Carlee M. Shaw
Using LiDAR Data and GIS Analyses to Understand Looting Patterns in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Chloe E. Sherwood
Teacher agency in dual language programs: Examining constraining and facilitating factors through an ecological lens, Marcio R. Soares Gomes
Dual Coalitions or Dueling Coalitions?: A Comparison of Single-issue and Dual-issue Statewide Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions in the U.S., Shannon Sokolowski
The Lived Experiences of Diverse Caregivers of Children With Disabilities Participating In Out-Of-School Time Activities, Vanessa Spero
Architectural and Training Regime Modifications to Transformer Models for low data Applications, Azwad Tamir
Supporting Online Student Success via Online Instructor Best Practices, Tori Jayne Taylor
Effects of Premixing on Emissions and Flame Stabilization for a High-Pressure Reacting Jet In Crossflow, Penelope Torres Serrano
Program Evaluation Of Behavioral Health Training: Using The Retain Model, Kris J. Toscani
Elementary General Education Teachers' Beliefs About Inclusive Practices in General Education Classrooms in the Cayman Islands, Tracey Ann Trail
An Examination of the Effect of Instructional Facility Size on Student Achievement in the State of Florida, Paul B. Tweed
Ceramic Matrix Composites for Hydrogen Combustion, Christopher Varela
"What Do You Mean By...?" The Role of Plain Language in Jury Instructions, Jamie L. Vega
Robust Machine Learning Based Frameworks for Localization and mmWave Beam Prediction in Massive MIMO Systems, Katarina Vuckovic
Non-Contact Lap-Splice Design with Ultra-High-Performance-Concrete for Seismic Buildings, Tiancheng Wang
The Role of The Principal in The Recognition of High Ability Students Who Are Black, English Language Learners, and Low Socio-Economic Status, Nadia N. Winston
Blackened Faces: Unearthing the Political Shift Behind Illinois' Response to Racialized Labor Violence During the Virden Affair and Coal Wars of 1898-1899, Jonathan C. Yegge
High-Performance, Energy-Efficient, and Scalable Accelerator Design for Emerging Machine Learning Applications, Lingxiang Yin