Gamification, RETAIN Model, Program Evaluation
This study investigated the effectiveness of gamification elements introduced into a well-established behavioral health in-person professional training. The gamification elements were designed with the RETAIN Model and Rubric and intended to increase team member engagement by increasing Relevance, Embedding a fictitious medical-themed story, creating opportunities for knowledge acquisition and Transfer, Adapting the content to the job functions of the participants, creating an Immersive experience in which the team members were fully engaged in the medical mystery, and repetitively applying gameplay concepts to efforts to create a Naturalized learning experience. The methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of the gamification elements was a mixed-methods program evaluation, which identified a panel of expert instructional designers using purposive sampling techniques. Through iterative rounds of feedback and analysis utilizing the RETAIN Model Rubric as the instrument, the experts reached a consensus on the effectiveness of the gamification elements. Statistical analysis of the median scores on the six (6) elements of the rubric indicated that the gamification elements were independent activities heavily contingent upon the strength of the facilitator as opposed to a gamified orientation program. However, this helped to answer the research questions, indicating that the RETAIN Model and Rubric are powerful tools for evaluating how the model's key elements can be used to design and evaluate gamified professional training. Recommendations included continued use of the model to design and evaluate professional training with a team of designers conducting a needs assessment before the gamification design.
Completion Date
Committee Chair
Dr. Glenda A. Gunter
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
College of Community Innovation and Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Degree Program
Instructional Design and Technology
Release Date
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Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Toscani, Kris J., "Program Evaluation Of Behavioral Health Training: Using The Retain Model" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation post-2024. 77.
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