Inclusive Education, Inclusive Practices, Teachers' Beliefs, General Education Elementary Teachers
Research indicates that teachers' beliefs are pivotal in shaping their inclusive practices. However, there is a dearth of local research on general education teachers’ beliefs about inclusive practices in the Cayman Islands. This qualitative study aimed to fill this gap by understanding the beliefs of general education elementary teachers about inclusive practices in general education classrooms in the Cayman Islands. This encompassed their beliefs about inclusive education, supporting student learning and participation, and their self-efficacy beliefs about implementing inclusive practices. Data about the teacher’s beliefs were collected using two semi-structured interviews with nine general education elementary public elementary school teachers. Findings revealed that while general education elementary teachers value inclusive education, they primarily viewed its purpose as creating a supportive learning environment for students with mild-to-moderate special needs, disabilities, and those performing below grade level. However, their focus on students' abilities often led to low academic achievement expectations, limiting their student success goals. The teachers also believed they could support students in achieving those limited goals, but only when given extensive support. Based on the findings, the teachers’ beliefs were strongly influenced by local practices and policies focusing on students' additional learning needs, including students with special education needs or disabilities. This suggested that policies and reforms that guide inclusive practices should be broadened to encompass the needs of all students, not just those with identified challenges. Furthermore, professional development must be structured to stimulate sustainable changes in teachers’ belief systems, which can enhance student outcomes and create a responsive learning environment for all students.
Completion Date
Committee Chair
Boote, David
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
College of Community Innovation and Education
Curriculum and Instruction
Degree Program
Curriculum and Instruction
Release Date
Access Status
Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Trail, Tracey Ann, "Elementary General Education Teachers' Beliefs About Inclusive Practices in General Education Classrooms in the Cayman Islands" (2024). Graduate Thesis and Dissertation post-2024. 78.
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