
Suggestions for the list from: Sandy Avila, Richard Harrison, Megan Haught, Jeremy Lucas, Christina Wray, Katy Miller, Katie Kirwan, Kimberly Montgomery, Larry Cooperman, Tina Buck, Sara Duff, Brian Calhoun, Rachel Mulvihill, Jada Reyes, and Pat Tiberii.


featured bookshelf, reading, staff favorites


The books listed below are some of the favorite non-fiction books UCF Libraries read in 2019.


For the month of December, the UCF Libraries Bookshelf celebrates the favorite books of employees of the UCF Libraries. And you know a major thing about librarians? They love talking about their favorite books. The books listed below are some of the favorite non-fiction books we read in 2019.

Keep reading below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for the favorite non-fiction titles read in 2019 by UCF Library employees. These 30 books plus many, many more are also on display on the 2nd (main) floor of the John C. Hitt Library next to the bank of two elevators.

And if you find someone has checked the one you’re interested in out before you had a chance, did you know you can place an interlibrary loan and have another copy sent here for you? Click here for instructions on placing an interlibrary loan.

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