High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023
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Dr. Stacey Malaret
Faculty/Instructor Email
Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
The purpose of our project was to assist and foster connections with students and faculty at Unlocking Children's Potential (UCP) Charter Schools. The main focus of our group's service was to assist with day to day classroom activities at UCP. Our goal was to provide a helping hand and watchful eye for the faculty teaching students at UCP. Fostering connections with students at UCP was also an important goal for our service. Each of us individually served in different places at UCP, but every member of the group had extensive contact with at least 13 students in a classroom setting, as well as teachers or teaching aids. Our hope was to foster positivity and meaningful connections within UCP, while also being a help to those around us.
Children with Special Needs; Servant Leadership; Education; LEAD Scholars Academy
Recommended Citation
Montanez, Jailimar; Teitelbaum, Jordan; Jorgesen, Samantha; Stillman, Sydney; Chaparro, Adriana; and Colon, Jeremy, "Caring for UCP" (2023). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023. 49.