High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023

Caring 4 the Kids of CHS
Course Code
Course Number
Brad Crawford
Faculty/Instructor Email
Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
The purpose of my project is to spread awareness, knowledge, and spread the excitement I had from doing this. The biggest takeaway from this experience is that it is very easy to help someone. It doesn't take much all of my supplies was from the dollar store. I was more excited about the kids seeing my creative skills than anything. I also want to normalize the fact that people struggle and its a human thing. Sometimes we need help and it is very much okay to give without expecting something back in return.
Affirmation jars, Children's Home Society, Remote Volunteering, Creative, Coloring, Simple Volunteer opportunity
Recommended Citation
Williams, Courtney, "Caring 4 the Kids of CHS" (2023). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2023. 9.