High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2024

Mapping Spatial Theory with GIS
Course Code
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Dr. Chia-Yuan Yu, Ph.D.
Faculty/Instructor Email
Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement
This presentation, Mapping Spatial Theory in GIS, explores spatial theories by using Geographic Information Systems to analyze the build environment and urban landscapes. From early map artifacts to contemporary mapping, different visual frameworks describe and influence our understanding of our world. Using GIS mapping, Marc Augé's "non-place" theory and Rowe and Koetter's figure-ground analyses were applied in case studies of Orlando, Florida, and Florence, Italy, revealing the impacts of transient spaces and historical patterns of our urban form and social world. Demonstrating how GIS-driven spatial analysis and spatial theories can help answer questions about our urban fabric and guide urban planning toward creating more connected, meaningful places.
GIS, Geographic Information Systems, Space and Place, Spatial Theory, Marc Auge, Non-Place, Figure-Ground Diagram
Recommended Citation
Garrard, Gabriela, "Mapping Spatial Theory with GIS" (2024). High Impact Practices Student Showcase Fall 2024. 63.