
Interpreter, translator, Arab American; Middle Eastern; English Second Language (ESL); language barrier


This study analyzes the effects of language differences on healthcare services for Arab Americans. The research specifically investigates the subpopulation of ESL (English Second Language)/bilingual Arab Americans, in order to learn about the effect of a lack of interpretation services and therefore the use of family translators on healthcare treatment. There has been a lack of research on this growing population in the United States. Language barriers can hinder the already difficult process of healthcare. These barriers, combined with other barriers, such as cultural factors, can negatively affect healthcare treatment and outcomes. This study uses surveys to reach people in the community. Surveys were chosen since they can be sent out electronically and do not require much commitment from the participant. Limitations of this study include the small response size, as the target population is extremely specific, and exclusion of unilingual Arab Americans from the sample population. However, the quotations provided from the participants provided insight into the use of informal interpreters and the lack of translation services for Arab Americans in healthcare. Many participants expressed issues with the limited use or availability of interpretation services in healthcare. Some participants also commented on the issues with using informal interpreters, due to availability or specific cultural dynamics. The survey results were clinically significant and suggested that this culture is a unique group with language needs not currently being met in healthcare, resulting in barriers to care.

Thesis Completion Year


Thesis Completion Semester


Thesis Chair

Vergara, Angela


College of Sciences


Department of Sociology

Thesis Discipline




Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus Access


Campus Location

Orlando (Main) Campus



Rights Statement

In Copyright