Computation Fluid Dynamics; Biomedical; Voronoi; Bone Tissue Engineering; 3D-Printing
Computational fluid dynamic models for porous lattice scaffolds are one of the few significant methods of determining the viability of a structure for in vivo applications. The most important property analyzed to determine this is fluid induced Wall Shear Stress (WSS) exhibited throughout the structure. This property has key ranges that are specifically identified and closely analyzed. Three different geometries, 2 TPMS structures and 1 non-TPMS structure are modeled and discussed. Three different models for each geometry are developed with porosities of 62, 70 and 80 percent. The Voronoi yields the best results, with WSS values well within the desired criteria for osteogenesis, minimizing cell death and detachment, and maximizing osteoblast and osteocyte generation. The outcome of this thesis helps reinforce the Voronoi lattice structure in bone tissue engineering applications. Further in vitro and in vivo experimentation is required to verify the results of this CFD analysis.
Thesis Completion Year
Thesis Completion Semester
Thesis Chair
Dazhong Wu
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Discipline
Mechanical Engineering
Access Status
Campus Access
Length of Campus Access
1 year
Campus Location
Orlando (Main) Campus
STARS Citation
Petrovic, Lazar, "A Comparative Cfd Analysis Of Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Through The Voronoi And Tpms Lattice Structures" (2024). Honors Undergraduate Theses. 185.