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Series Title

Practical Access


Accessibility | Disability and Equity in Education | Education


In this follow-up episode on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Drs. Lisa Dieker and Rebecca Hines explore its multifaceted role. The discussion is framed around a book by Reid Hoffman, written in collaboration with ChatGPT, focusing on the impact and potential of AI in enhancing human capabilities in educational settings.

Link to Reid Hoffman & ChatGPT Discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myWPwwj0THE

This episode highlights the need for educators and students to approach AI as a critical tool that can significantly enhance learning experiences and outcomes when used ethically and creatively. The hosts encourage listeners to engage with AI mindfully, focusing on developing critical thinking skills and using AI to supplement human intellect, not a replacement.

Key Points Discussed:

1. AI as an Educational Tool: The hosts debate comparing AI to past educational technologies like calculators and the internet.

2. AI’s Potential in Problem-Solving: The discussion emphasizes AI as a tool for researchers and educators to solve critical problems by enabling creative thought. Lisa shares a story illustrating the transformative power of internet information, underscoring the need for critical examination of AI-generated content like Khan Amigos. Link: https://www.khanacademy.org/khan-labs

3. Critical Thinking and AI: The episode stresses the importance of developing critical thinking skills alongside AI literacy.

4. Navigating AI's Limitations and Misinformation: Dr. Dieker discusses the 'hallucinations' of AI, including nonsensical responses, plausible but incorrect information, and AI's overreach in claiming capacities it doesn't possess. This leads to a conversation about the importance of using AI responsibly and ethically in classrooms.

5. Empowering Students with AI: The hosts advocate for introducing AI technology to students early, teaching them to seek answers and support their learning independently. They emphasize the role of AI in leveling the playing field, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

6. AI and Assessments: The conversation concludes with the potential of AI in designing assessments that analyze and indicate students' critical thinking and creativity, moving beyond traditional fact-based testing.

Date Created


Item Type




Length of Episode

17 Minutes

S10E3_transcript (1).docx (28 kB)
Transcript - Practical Access S10E3

Accessibility Status

We are committed to ensuring accessibility for all users. To support individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer text-based content, a full transcript accompanies each episode of this audio podcast. The transcript provides a detailed, text-based representation of the audio content and can be accessed directly on the podcast’s webpage. If you have any questions or require additional accommodation, please feel free to contact us at stars@ucf.edu.
