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Series Title

Practical Access


Accessibility | Disability and Equity in Education | Education


In this episode of "Practical Access," hosts Lisa Dieker and Rebecca Hines welcome special guest Dave Stewart Jr., a veteran high school teacher with nearly two decades of experience teaching English and history and his journey with AI. Dave also writes articles and books to support fellow educators in their classroom practices. The conversation delves into integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into the classroom environment. Dave shares his initial apprehensions about the impact of AI on teaching but highlights the practical applications he's discovered, such as using ChatGPT for brainstorming sessions and debates. Despite concerns about students potentially relying too heavily on AI for their work, Dave emphasizes the importance of maintaining focus on the central purpose of education: fostering critical thinking and independent learning.

Resources: Dave Stuart Website: https://davestuartjr.com/about/

Highlights: - Exploring AI in Education: Dave Stewart Jr., an experienced high school teacher, joins hosts Lisa Dieker and Rebecca Heinz to discuss the integration of AI tools like ChatGPT in the classroom. - Practical Applications: Dave shares how he uses ChatGPT for brainstorming sessions and debates, dispelling concerns about over-reliance on AI and emphasizing its supplementary role in teaching. - Teacher as Coach: The conversation highlights the role of teachers as coaches in guiding students' learning journeys and fostering intrinsic motivation. - Cultivating Key Beliefs: Dave outlines five key beliefs educators should cultivate in students to promote meaningful learning experiences.

Date Created


Item Type




Length of Episode

17 Minutes

S11E3_transcript.docx (27 kB)
Transcript - Practical Access S11E3

Accessibility Status

We are committed to ensuring accessibility for all users. To support individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer text-based content, a full transcript accompanies each episode of this audio podcast. The transcript provides a detailed, text-based representation of the audio content and can be accessed directly on the podcast’s webpage. If you have any questions or require additional accommodation, please feel free to contact us at stars@ucf.edu.
