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Abigail Pemberton
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Repository holding original letter
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
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Phineas Pemberton, Abigail Pemberton, Quakers, Society of Friends, Social network, Economy, Goods, Family, Family network
Letter dated November 1, 1697 (October 22, 1697 Old Style) from Phineas Pemberton to his daughter, Abigail Pemberton. Phineas Pemberton instructs Abigail on matters related to business and family.
The 22 day 9 [ninth] /mo [month] [November] 1697
Abigaile [Abigail Pemberton] I have here Sent a bushel & [and] a half
of Indian meale [meal] ben & betty [Ben and Betty] had Sent to thee [you]
the Small bag of walnuts the bigger bag is to be devided [divided] 1 bushel to Israel [Israel Pemberton] & [and] the half bushell [bushel]
between phe [Phebe Pemberton] & [and] pris: [Priscilla Pemberton] let me heare [hear] how you do I
have beene [been] abroad in the woods a surveying
& [and] have got Cold & [and] have been out of order thse [these]
several days but am now some what [somewhat] better
I heare [hear] beefe [beef] is 2d [two pence] P [fancy P - per] wt [weight/pound] in the market when it
is Cheap buy the more let me know whether
thou [you] hast [have] mony [money] to answer thy [your] occasions I sent
P [fancy P - per] Richard Hoskins a 7/8 peice [piece] of eight & [and]
let me know whether the meale [meal] you have will
last untill [until] fare [fair] wether [weather] set in I know not
that I Can Come to you this month or more
one of the brls [barrels] of sider [cider] is marked with a
W wch [which] is water sider [cider] ^let Israel [Israel Pemberton] put in a spile or tap^ mix it with molloses [molasses] for
the mush & [and] mix some wheate [wheat] meale [meal] with the Indian
& [and] it will not tast [taste] so Strong of the Ginger James & [and]
the negroes love is to you they have all beene [been]
very Sick at [strikethrough: illegible] Ant [Aunt] Janneys both shee [she] & [and] the rest
except mary [Mary] tho: [Thomas] & [and] Jos: [Joseph] nigh to death now
on the recovering hand let me know whether the house
be done & [and] a Lock on the doore [door] that things are
not left at randim [random] to pilfering negroes when
you all are out at meeting nor your healths
Impaired thereby in the night let me know whats [what is]
done about Shooes [shoes] that I may take Care to send
mony [money] how do the Children Come on I have sent
the [goberts?] let Ralph Jackson put a Couple of Eares [ears] on
[continued in left margin]
that is wanting & [and] I shall pay him or thou [you] may my love to you
all & [and] to friends is all from thy [your] father
PP [Phineas Pemberton]
WB [William Biles?] tells me thou [you] hast [have] not been well
[page two]
send the bags to Joseph & [and] bid him secure them
for me untill [until] I come thou [you] may send them
to him by Seath hill [Seth Hill] but write to him with
them as above lest I loose [lose] them
in the head of the little bag of walnuts there is a
goose wraped [wrapped] in a Cloth keep it little after it comes
but roast it get a few [grales/grates?] & [and] make a puding [pudding] in the belly
whether Roger can take thy [your] whele [wheel] or no [not] I know
not this time but if he Can I think to send it we
have lately had the taylors [tailors] to make ben some
Cloths [clothes] & [and] have been forced to get threed [thread] of severall [several]
of the neighbours [neighbors] I think thou [you] tooke [took] flax with thee [you]
if thou [you] hast [have] not let me know & [and] I shall send some
but let us have some threed [thread] for the negroes
to mend theire [their] Cloths [clothes] when thou [you] canst [can] but they
now have little want at present
my love is dear to you my Care & [and] Concern is
great for you mind the feare [fear] of the Lord & [and] that
will give an understanding & [and] wisdom how to
behave your selves [yourselves] ^aright^ & [and] then ye [the - thee, you] shall do well
fare well [farewell]
PP [Phineas Pemberton]
why doth [does] not Israel [Israel Pemberton] write to me some time [sometime] when
thou [you] writes get thee [you] a better pen or that mended
& [and] be writeing [writing] what thou [you] hast [have] in mind at Leisure
times & [and] thou [you] will not be in hast [haste] when oppertunity [opportunity]
presents why didst [did] thou [you] not write P [fancy P - per] W Biles [William Biles]
we shall have few or no winter apples this yeare [year]
the wether [weather] is such [cold?] them on the trees
they have been now agathering [gathering] of them & [and] there
will not be half a bushell [bushel] ful [full] for keeping
PRINT Migration Network: Pemberton Correspondence Transcriptions
Receiver (Linked data)
Jenkins, Abigail Pemberton, 1679-1750 [LC]
Abigail Pemberton Jenkins (Q102035806) [Wikidata]
Phineas Pemberton, n.p., to Abigail Pemberton, n.p., 1697-11-01, vol. 2, pg. 154b, Pemberton Family Papers, 1641-1880, 0484A, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PRINT, 16171,