

Sender Place

Bolton, Lancashire, England


Roger Haydock

Receiver Place

[Lancaster Castle; Lancaster, Lancashire, England]

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

53.577694, -2.428887

Country, State, Location 2

54.04981, -2.80562


Phineas Pemberton, Bolton, Roger Haydock, Lancaster Castle, Lancaster, Society of Friends, Quakers, Social network, Persecution, Imprisonment, Jails, Prisons, Religious faith


Letter dated October 3, 1674 (September 23, 1674 Old Style) to Roger Haydock concerning his imprisonment, likely in Lancaster Castle. The author, likely Phineas Pemberton from the handwriting, offers comforting and reassuring words by expressing his beliefs.


Boulton [Bolton] ye [the] 23 day 7/mo [month] 1674

My Deare [dear] & [and] well:beloved [well-beloved]

ffriend [Friend] Roger Hay=dock [Roger Haydock] Although thou be [you are] Confined in Bonds
[ink spot] (but not in the spirit) Remote from me yet in the over=
flowings [overflowing] of Love & [and] life wch: [which] Runeth [runs] at this time art thou [you are]
neare [near] & [and] deare [dear] unto me, & [and] I do Embrace thee [you] in the arms
of Love & [and] kisse [kiss] thee [you] wth [with] An holly [a holy] kisse [kiss] & [and] being thus filled
wth: [with] love [strikethrough: illegible] Isuing [issuing] out towards thee [you] in yt: [that] wch [which] did beget it
could not but signifye [signify] some=thing [something] thereof unto thee [you] also
my tongue [is] [strikethrough:to too] too short to Relate it yet I desire I may
be felt of thee; [you] as [strikethrough: I many A time have] feel thee [you] as I do no & [and] have felt thee [you] in the many heavenly oppertunitys [opportunities]
wch: [which] hath beene [have been] afforded, by our god, who is worthy of parises [praises]
for they are his due he doth [does] so Largly [largely] Extend ^his^ Loving xx
kindness & [and] mercys [mercies] dayly [daily] to those yt: [that] love him & [and] waits [wait] upon
him, my deare [dear] love is to the Rest of thy [your] fellow prisoners
who are suffereng [suffering] wth: [with] thee [you], for the truth of Jesus ^wch^ [which] will be but [strikethrough: illegible]
for A season forthe [for the] Lord I am pswaded [persuaded – fancy P] in is [its/his] own due time; will worke [work]
your delvierance [deliverance] Alto [although/also] the song of men Combine togethr [together]
agt: [against] you for his will not suffer Any thing [anything] to be done to
Any who are faithfully given up to do his will but what
will Redound [contribute] to his glory & [and] honour [honor], I do Remaine [remain]
[strikethrough: thy [your]] in the love wherewth: [wherewith] I have already Saluted thee [you]
thy [your] friend/

[Phineas Pemberton]

[page 2]

[in a more modern hand, along the right margin]

Phineas Pemberton?
Boulton [Bolton]
7mo [month] 23. 1674.
Roger Haydock







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