Sender Place
Flushing, New York
Phineas Pemberton and Phebe Pemberton
Receiver Place
Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Repository holding original letter
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Full Date
Document Type
Country, State, Location 1
50.084958, -5.101268
Country, State, Location 2
40.176667, -74.827778
Mary Bowne, Mary Becket, Flushing Long Island, New York, Phineas Pemberton, Phebe Pemberton, Falls Township, Bucks County, Elizabeth Town New Jersey, Elizabeth Town, New Jersey, Staten Island, New York, Margery Janney, Joseph Hoop[er], Andrew Heath, William Duncan, Abigail Pemberton, Quakers, Society of Friends, Illness, Movement, Travel network, Social network
Letter dated September 22, 1696 (September 12, 1696 Old Style) from Mary Bowne to Phineas Pemberton. Bowne details an arduous journey to New York where she and others had to transport their horses on ferries to get to their destination. Bowne also inquires about Phebe Pemberton's health after recovering from an illness. The front of the letter has small scratch work enumerating possibly goods to be delivered to other Quakers.
fflushing [Flushing] ye [the] 12 of the 7 mo: [month] 1696
Deare [Dear] freinds [friends] Phinihas [Phineas Pemberton] and Phebey Pemberton [Phebe Pemberton] my
deare [dear] Love seluts [salutes] you and youre [your] little ons [ones] hoping you
are all well and shall be very glad to here [hear] that dear
Pheby [Phebe Pemberton] is got well over her illnes [illness] and has her strenth [strength] and
helth [health] a gene [again] if the Lord plese [please] to grant it from whence
all our bennifits [benefits] coms [comes] glory to his neme [name] over all who
is wrthy, [worthy] deare [dear] freinds [friends] time is short then the oppertun
naty [opportunity] bee [be] Larg [large] at this ^time^ and I cannot well omit deare [dear] friend [friend]
whom I intirely [entirely] love with Love unfened [unfeigned] I know you know
it and want as muth [much] to see you as if I had not beene [been] so
Letly [lately] to us it [use it] you from whence wee [we] got prety [pretty] well
home [therue] [through] [marcy] [mercy] but thru [through] som [some] difiquarty, [difficulty] got to
Lisabeth towne [town] [Elizabethtown, New York] well where wee [we] stead [stayed] tooe [two] nights
and could not get a pasege [passage] at last but ventured
to swime [swim] our horses over to Stattan Island [Staten Island, New York] where
wee [we] were pritt [pretty] much bewildred [bewildered] but at last got to the
ferey [ferry] at night whre [where] wee [we] weated [waited] a time for the bot [boat]
and feryed [ferried] our horses and Set us ovr [over] by night which
was 3 or 4 miles and next day Come hom [home] by and found
Things as weell [well] as wee [we] could expect our Children [well]
which was chifest [chiefest] of my Ceare, [care] my freinds [friends] know you
will be glad to here [hear] how wee [we] got home this is in shortt [short]
I am in hest [haste] I shall be vry [very] glad to here [hear] from you
and spshalley [especially] to here [hear] that y [page tear- oure?] [you are] all well which is
prity [pretty] Rere [rare] of let [late] I should be very glad to see you here
but hardly expect it till [until] next spring and then if
you live and heve [have] youre [your] helth [health] I shall very much
expect you but in the mene time [meantime] if you are well
and can spear [spare] Ab^i^gall [Abigail Pemberton] and can heve [have] a conveniant [convenient]
opertunaty [opportunity] I shall bee [be] very glad to see her here and
shall tack [take] good Ceare [care] of her deare [dear] freinds [friends] time
will [tele?] [tell]
[written on left margin]
I Truly Love Abigall [Abigail Pemberton] and have not fergot [forgotten] the Contents of the letter shee [she] sent to mee [me]
I rest yo [torn page: your?] dutyful [dutiful] Child Mary Bowne
[page 2]
[Pre?] deare [dear] freinds [friends] plese [please] to Remember my keind [kind] lo [cut off: love]
To Margrey Jenney [Margery Janney] and let mee [me] know whether
or no [not] you here [hear] any thing [anything] from her husband my
deare husbands [husband's] kind love is to you all youre [your] freind [friend]
M b [Mary Bowne]
[Written in right margin.]
Mary Bowne
7 mo [month] 12. 1696
Phin: and Phe. Pemberton [Phineas Pemberton] [Phebe Pemberton]
Bucks [Bucks County]
[Written on bottom half of page]
Phinihas Pemberton [Phineas Pemberton]
Neare [near] the falls of
dalaweare [Falls of the Delaware River] in
Pensylvenye [Pennsylvania] dd
[Written by Phineas Pemberton in bottom left margin]
Jos: Hoops [Joshua Hoopes] 12 bags 30 bus [bushels] marked [IH?]
And: Heath [Andrew Heath?] 9 bags 25 bus [bushels]
Wm: Duncan [William Duncan?] 14 bags 42 bus [bushels] 1/4
Mary Bowne, Flushing, New York, to Phineas Pemberton and Phebe Pemberton, Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1696-09-22, vol. 2, pg. 127, Pemberton Family Papers, 1641-1880, 0484A, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PRINT, 16025,