Sender Place
Bolton, Lancashire, England
Roger Longworth and Roger Haydock
Receiver Place
London, England
Repository holding original letter
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Full Date
Document Type
Country, State, Location 1
53.577694, -2.428887
Country, State, Location 2
51.507351, -0.127758
James Harrison, Bolton, Roger Longworth, Roger Haydock, London, James Harrison {Chester [a few days prior]}, Chester, Ann Harrison {Bolton}, Ann Harrison, Elinor Haydock, Elinor Low, William Gibson, Phineas Pemberton, Phebe Pemberton, Susannah Millner, Movement, Travel network, Social network
Letter dated October 14, 1681 (October 4, 1681 Old Style) from James Harrison to Roger Longworth, travelling with Roger Haydock. Harrison expresses his joy after hearing of Longworth's safe arrival in London. The letter includes well wishes and updates on other Quakers.
Boulton ye [the] 4th of ^8^ mo: [month] 81 [1681]
Rodgr Longworth [Roger Longworth]
And welbeloved [well beloved] in Christ I am glad to heare [hear] of your safe arivell [arrival]
& [and] wellbeing and also of ye [the] prosparaty [prosperity] of truth in those parts where [end of page: where]
you have beene [been] god allmighty [almighty] Continue the same while ye [the] sun and
moone [moon] endures, amen, by these thou [you] may know yt [that] we are all;
Indefrant [indifferent] well, and yt [that] I was at west Chester [Westchester] when thy [your] Letter cam [came]
to boulton whither my wife sent it me, but I thinking it wold abeene [would have been]
Longer eare [hear?] you had reached London, did not writ [write] from thence for
which I have beene [been] troubled Least thou [you] should be straitned [straightened] for thy [your]
money for I heard before I gat [got] hom [home] from Chester yt [that] you weare [were] com [coming]
to London remember my cordiall [cordial] Love to Rodger [Roger Longworth] whom I esteeme [esteem], & [and]
honner [honor] in ye [the] Lord, & [and] tell him yt [that] Elinor Low, & [and] I am about to barguan [bargain]
for my house; in Case I should goe [go] with W: pen. [William Penn?] I doe [do] not queshian [question]
but shee [she] will ask his advise [advice] & [and] I wold [would] not have him to hinder hir [her] for I
wold [would] have it preserved for ye [the] Lords [Lord’s] servis [service], for I doe [do] not queshian [question] but our
testy money [testimony] wilbe [will be] of forse [force] when we are gon [gone] &… [and] well deare [dear] Rodger [Roger Longworth] I have
heard under written sent thee [you] anote [a note] or bill on William Gibson to whom my Love
is very Large; either today or tomorrow I goe [go] towards ye [the] quarterly
meeting, which wilbe [will be] at Lancaster p: Phebe Ann [Ann Pemberton?] & [and] ye [the] whole famallys [family’s] Love
is to you, we have beene [been] pretty quiat [quiet] this great while, ye [the] Constables goes
out tomorrow, they have Carried full better than Like, before I conclud [conclude]
I desire thee [you] put Susana Milner ^in mind^ of my true refreshing Love yt [that] I kno^w^ [know]
often reaches hir [her] whose servis [service] to ye [the] servants of god, is well respected & [and]
accepted of god allmighty [almighty] & [and] I belive [believe] of all yt [that] have heard of ye [the] sam [same] and
Love ye [the] prosparaty [prosperity] of truth, Thus in ye [the] sam [same] Love yt [that] ever I bare thee [you] I shall
continuie [continue] in remaineing [remaining] thy [your] reale [real] friend to ye [the] end
Ja: Harison [James Harrison]
[page 2]
James Harison [James Harrison]
8 mo [month] 4. 1681.
Roger Longworth
[faint writing in pencil]
Ellinir Liew [Ellinor L…?]
bringing J.H’s [James Harrison's]
[bottom right margin]
Rodger Longworth
these [cut off: dd]
James Harrison, Bolton, Lancashire, England, to Roger Longworth and Roger Haydock, London, England, 1681-10-14, vol. 1, pg. 172, Pemberton Family Papers, 1641-1880, 0484A, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PRINT, 16113,