Sender Place
Dublin, Ireland
James Harrison
Receiver Place
[Bucks County, Pennsylvania]
Repository holding original letter
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Full Date
Document Type
Country, State, Location 1
53.349804, -6.260310
Country, State, Location 2
40.345165, -75.126389
Roger Longworth, James Harrison, Phineas Pemberton, Elinor Atherton, Margaret ..., Quaker, Society of Friends, Movement, Bucks County, Cork, Barbados, Jamaica
Letter dated September 20, 1686 (September 10, 1686 Old Style) from Roger Longworth to James Harrison.
Dublin ye [the] 10 of ye [the] 7 mo [month]:1686
deare [dear] James Harrison /
my anchent [ancient] and well beloved freind [friend] and Bro: [brother] in the Covint [Covenant]
of everlasting Love, and Life I dearly salut [salute] thee [you], and cordial [cordially]
Imbrace thee [you] in the Arames [arms] of my heavenly fathers Love -
which flowes [flows] forth, at this time towards thee [you]. and thy [your] deare [dear]
wife, whom I verie [very] dearly Love in the Lord for your father
and motherly care which hath beene [has been], and is, I belive [believe] soe [so] Large
extended unto mee [me], cannot be for gotton [forgotten] whilst [while] I have a day
well deare [dear] freinds [friends] much might be said upon this account
for my heart is full, off [of] the Love of the Lord towards you-
but I knowe [know], you can Read me, in that which is eterniall [eternal],
which is over all sea and Land, god Blessed for ever [forever], who
hath [has] maide [made] us pertakers [partakers], and fellowe [fellow] feelers, one of another
behind pen or tongue, to exprass [express] glory, to his name for: ever [forever]
and now deare [dear] hearts my Love is with you, and my Life is
bound up with you, and I cannot ^forgate [forget]^ Compfortable [comfortable] times -
and seasons, of the Lords Love and marcyes [mercies], which we have In
joyed [enjoyed], , togaither [together], and yeat [yet] I am not without hopes, but we
may injoye [enjoy] one another againe [again], In the Lords apponted [appointed] time -
and season, for I have some drawings towards those parts, I
have beene [been] through this nation, and have had good servias [services] and freinds are gennerially [generally] well, and meetings Large, and full
as allso [also] in England, as I have an account Letly [lately] from London, I
intend the Lord will to goe [go] towards Corke [Cork, Ireland], about few weckes [weeks]
hence, to see for shiping [shipping] to wards [towards] Barbatos [Barbados] or gameca [Jamaica], I should
be glad to heaire [hear] from thee [you], I have writen [written] to thee [you], and P: P: [Phineas Pemberton]
since I saw you first from Barbatos [Barbados] ^2^: [second] then from England, and
gaine [gain] account, 3: [third] from Holland, :4: [fourth] from England againe [again], 5 - [fifth]
from Ireland first when I came over, and now by, deare [dear] Tho:
Winne [Thomas Wynn], and yeat [yet] have not Rcd [Receieved] a Line from thee [you], but once from
Phinehas [Phineas Pemberton], and that was yeaster day [yesterday], by way of Barbatos [Barbados], soe [so] -
I hope this will come to hand, and if thee [you] would have mee [me] to -
doe [do] any thing [anything] for thee [you], direct to Joseph Boden in Bridge Towne
Barbatos [Bridgetown, Barbados], soe [so] with my deare [dear] Love to all freinds [friends], and brethern [brethren]
in the holly [holy] seed of Life, in whom we have all Rest and peace
and are one anothers [another’s] Joye [joy] and Crowne [crown] in the Lord, and in him
alone, I dearly salut [salute] you all, and bid you feare well [farewell] /
who am thy [your] freind [friend] and Bro: [Brother]
in the fellow shipe [fellowship] of the gospell [gospel]
Roger Longworth
[postscript written directly underneath body of letter, to the left of the valediction and signature]
Eliner Atherton [Elinor Atherton] Remembers her Love to thee [you] /
and thy [your] wife verie [very] kindly, where I now
am, her husband is in England /
her sister margeritt [Margaret...] is here who Remembers
her Love to thee [you] and thy [your] wife
[page 2, along right margin]
Roger Longworth
7 mo [month] 10, 1686
James Harrison
Bucks. [Bucks County, Pennsylvania]
Longworth, Roger, "Roger Longworth, James Harrison, September 20, 1686" (1686). Pemberton Correspondence Transcriptions. 60.