Date Created

Fall 11-15-2024

Institution Type

Doctorate-granting university

Course Level


Modality of Lesson



Ideation and Structuring

Primary AI Tool Used

ChatGPT, Co-Pilot, Quillbot

Learning Objectives

  • Assessing the ethical considerations and practical implications of using AI in academic assignments and research, including evaluating the accuracy of the AI-assisted work;

  • Reflecting on and articulating their personal experiences with AI, including how their learning was impacted by AI;

  • Collaborating with peers to develop an AI Policy Draft for coursework and dissertation.

Strategy Description

The strategy of experiencing AI is centered around AI exploration and reflection in a doctoral-level technology course. Throughout the course, students were encouraged to use AI to complete assignments. However, they were also asked to critically reflect on the impact of AI use on their academic development and understanding of the coursework. Through discussion, reflection, and exploration, students learned to navigate the complexities of AI in a way that aligns with academic values and professional expectations.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
