A History of Central Florida Podcast
Streaming Media
Recommended Citation
n Robert Cassanello, "Episode 41 Recorded Music," A History of Central Florida, podcast video, March 31, 2015, [http://stars.library.ucf.edu/ahistoryofcentralfloridapodcast/42]
b Cassanello, Robert. "Episode 41 Recorded Music." A History of Central Florida. podcast video, March 31, 2015. [http://stars.library.ucf.edu/ahistoryofcentralfloridapodcast/42]
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Length of Episode
In this episode of A History of Central Florida we spoke with Dr. Scott Warfield and Dr.Warren Waren about the history of recorded music. We display an Edison Cylinder Gramophone from the Clermont Historic Village, a Brunswick Phonograph from the Lake County Historical Museum and a Rock-Ola juke box featured at the Groveland Historical Museum.