The purpose of STARS is to disseminate, publicize, and share works by, for, and about UCF. The intention is to provide access to this work as broadly as possible, and for as long as possible. Administered by the UCF Libraries, UCF's Showcase of Text, Archives, Research & Scholarship STARS is available to host and promote research, creative activity, and institutional outputs to...
- Ensure persistent access to your work
- Increase discovery of UCF scholarship and creative endeavors
- Foster scholarly collaborations with colleagues
- Document and record UCF's history and progress
- Discover open access materials and projects created by UCF authors
- Allow you to share your work while retaining your copyright. If you own the copyright to your work, the copyright for materials uploaded to STARS remains with you.
Ready to get STARted?
The repository is open to all faculty, staff, students and affiliates of UCF. Any UCF college, unit, department, lab, center, or institute is eligible to join. Student submissions may be subject to approval by the STARS coordinator in conjunction with a sponsoring faculty member.
While content does not have to be authored by UCF faculty, students, or staff to be included in STARS, there does need to be an UCF affiliation. For example, a unit may use STARS to post papers from a conference they sponsored, which may include some UCF authors and many from other institutions. All that is required is that the sponsoring UCF unit determines that the content is appropriate for their part of STARS.
Members of the UCF community interested in submitting work should work with their Subject Librarian or directly with the STARS coordinator. If you have an idea for a new project or collection, let us know about it!
To learn more about STARS including examples of content you may put in STARS, examples of content you shouldn't put in STARS, and basic principles that govern all work submitted to STARS, please refer to the FAQ.
Feel free to contact us at STARS@ucf.edu with any comments, questions, or suggestions.