
social justice; education; educational leadership; methods; teaching; secondary education; secondary mathematics; secondary science; school to pipeline; culturally responsive; multicultural education


Through illuminating and linking current societal events and U.S. Department of Education goals, this chapter stimulates readers in a thought-provoking connection between fundamental background reasons why social justice instruction is crucial in secondary schools today. Educators’ interests will be piqued as they are drawn to deeply empathize with the dire need, justification, and benefits for quickly implementing real-world social justice classroom practices. The focus is on highly effective social justice instructional strategies for novice through seasoned secondary pre-service and in-service teachers, administrators, consultants, and educationpreparation professionals that can be efficaciously applied into mathematics and science lessons. The suggested instructional strategies and practices and multi-media references are easily identifiable and serialized, ensuring the efficiency that practical educators will sincerely appreciate.

Date Created

January 2016
