

David S. Walker was a leader of distinguished ability during the formative years of the government of Florida. In addition to practicing his profession as a lawyer, he was at all times actively engaged in assuming his responsibilities as a citizen in his home community, Tallahassee, and in his State, holding various positions of trust, including elected and appointive offices. At various times he was intendant (mayor) of Tallahassee, a member of the Florida House of Representatives, of the Florida State Senate, Register of Lands and ex-officio Superintendent of Schools for the State during the 1850’s, Associate Justice of the Florida Supreme Court during the War for Southern Independence, and a governor of the State in the Reconstruction period (1866-1868). After 1868, he was engaged in the practice of law and in his personal business enterprises until his appointment as judge of the Second Circuit Court of Florida in 1879. Throughout his long life, regardless of the position held, he actively encouraged education.
