

Reviews of Dibble and Newton (eds.), In Search of Gulf Coast Colonial History, by Laura D. S. HarreII; Smith, Strengthening the Florida Legislature: An Eagleton Study and Report, by Manning J . Dauer; Kammen, Empire and Interest: The American Colonies and the Politics of Mercantilism, by Trevor Colbourn; Lycan, Alexander Hamilton and American Foreign Policy, by Jack Sosin; Kerber, Federalists in Dissent: imagery and Ideology in Jefiersonian America, by Frank A. Cassell; Curtis, The Fox at Bay: Martin Van Buren and the Presidency, 1837-1841, by Thomas P. Govan; Bernath, Squall Across the Atlantic: American Civil War Prize Cases and Diplomacy, by Robert Envin Johnson; Graf and Haskins (eds.), The Papers of Andrew Johnson: Volume II, 1852-1557, by Richard N. Current; Holmes, The White Chief: James Kimble Vardaman, by William G. Carleton; Hollingsworth (ed.), Essays olt Recent Southern Politics, by William C. Havard; Wisner, Social Welfare in the South: From Colonial Times to World War I, by Charles W. Crawford; Davenport, The Myth of Southern History: Historical Consciousness in Twentieth Century Southern Literature, by Frank G. Slaughter; Watkins, The Death of Art: Black and White in the Recent Southern Novel, by Gloria Jahoda; Bartley, From Tkurmond to Wallace: Political Tendencies in Georgia, 1948-1968, by Robert H. Akerman; Zook, Museum Villages, by Earle W. Newton
