Report Number




Electric Vehicles


The object of this research is to assess the current status and to predict the future penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) within the U.S. market. The prediction method is based on EV yearly sales giving the cumulative vehicles on the road for 2010 through 2014 and the growth rates for these five years. Using these growth values, the future ten year values are calculated. The EV sales results for 2014 in the U.S. show that 118,773 vehicles were sold as compared to 96,700 vehicles in 2013. This gives a one year sales growth rate of 23%. The total cumulative number of EVs sold over the five year sales period is now at 286,390 vehicles. If a conservative 20% growth rate is used, then the U.S. sales in 2024 will be 740,000 EVs per year with cumulative number of vehicles at 4.0 million.

The second part of the prediction analysis was to predict the EV sales and cumulative sales values of EVs for the states of interest. These predictions were done for Florida, Hawaii, Alabama, and for comparison purposes for Georgia, California and New York. The work also evaluated the types of barriers to EV usage and the actions or incentives to overcome the cost and technical barriers.

Date Published


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Electric Vehicles


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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