Report Number




Energy Efficiency; Buildings


In 2009, a Department of Energy Building America team led by the Florida Solar Energy Center began working with partners to find cost-effective paths for improving the energy performance of existing homes in the hot humid climate. A test-in energy audit and energy use modeling of the partner's proposed renovation package was performed for 41 affordable and middle income foreclosed homes in Florida and Alabama. HERS1 Indices ranged from 92 to 184 with modeled energy savings ranging from 3% to 50% (average of 26%). Analyses and recommendations were discussed with partners to encourage more efficient retrofits, highlight health and safety issues, and gather feedback on incremental cost of high performance measures. Ten completed renovations have modeled energy savings ranging from 9% to 48% (average31%.) This paper presents the project's process including our findings thus far and highlights of the first home to meet the target HERS Index of 70.

Date Published



Original Publication: McIlvaine, J., Sutherland, K., Schleith, K., and Chandra, S., “Exploring Cost-Effective, High Performance Residential Retrofits for Affordable Housing in the Hot Humid Climate”, Seventeenth Symposium on Improving Building Systems in Hot and Humid Climates, August 24-26, 2010, in Austin, TX.

Local Subjects

Buildings - Energy Efficiency


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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