Report Number




Disaster Planning; Disaster Relief; Photovoltaics


Daily use of a myriad of electrical and electronic devices has contributed to a steadily increasing dependence on electric power. The degree of importance of electricity is temporarily highlighted with any type of power outage, whether caused by a disaster as destructive as a Hurricane Andrew or as minor as an afternoon thunderstorm knocking down local utility lines. After September 11, terrorism added a new dimension to our definition of energy security. While the American public is dependent on utility providers to meet energy needs, it is the right and the responsibility of each citizen to become aware of energy security issues and to accept a shared accountability for meeting personal and collective energy needs.

In recent years, a few emergency organizations have used photovoltaics (solar electric) to meet critical power needs in a disaster, but energy assurance requires a broader solution. By implementing an integrated approach to critical energy issues, utility providers, regulators and consumers can collectively assure an improved level of energy security and reliability. This approach includes 1) implementation of conservation measures, 2) application of distributed generation and 3) use of renewable energy sources. These actions would promote energy assurance and provide protection against any type of energy disruption.

Date Published



Presented at American Solar Energy Society (ASES) Solar 2004 Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, July 11-14, 2004

Local Subjects

Disaster Planning; Disaster Relief; Photovoltaics


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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