Report Number




Alternative Fuel Vehicles; Electric Vehicles


This project developed the process, methodology and algorithms for computer models to evaluate the techno-economic implications of a large-scale electrified transportation sector. The model factors include developing and interacting with a network of electric vehicles and the electric grid, the infrastructure for electric vehicle charging, integrating the transportation and power systems into the urban setting, studying the impact of distributed energy storage and determining the economic impact of increased renewable energy and EVs on the electricity grid and its stability. The modeling related project results are presented in five journal articles and two conference papers. In this final report, the project results are presented in four sections; (1) EV Capacity for Distributed Generation and Stochastic Optimization Using V2G Capacity Forecast; (2) Multivariate Predictive Analytics for Control of Energy Storage; (3) Modularized Design for Cooperative Control and Plug-And-Play Operation; and (4) EVs and Smart Grid Control and Generation Methods for Integrating Distributed Generators.

Date Published


Local Subjects

Alternative Fuel Vehicles; Electric Vehicles


FSEC Energy Research Center® Collection



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