
Mary Pike




Heathcote, George

Receiver Place


Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type



Mary Pike, George Heathcote, Pemberton Papers, Phineas Pemberton, Susannah Pike, Ralph Smith


A letter from Mary Pike to George Heathcote on March 30, 1697


for Mr. Geo: Heathcoat [George Heathcote] liveing [living] in perfyt [perfect] hope & [and] love
Barbadoes [Barbados] friend Geo: Hethcoat [George Heathcote]

I haveing [having] no friend in pensylva [Pennsylvania]
have made Bold to write a few lines concerning a
plantation belonging to Joseph Pike now deceased of
110 acres of land joyneing [joining] unto Robt Hall [Robert Hall] Rich Lundy [Richard Lundy]
& [and] Edmund Lovet & [and] I being the wife of the sd [said] Pike had
information of him in his life time [lifetime] that he had some
aquaintance wth [with] you caused me being great wth [with] child
when my husband dyed [died] to now make bold wth [with] desire
you wold [would] be so kind as to look into the thing if
such a thing be of a truth wold [would] desire you wold [would] send
me word by the first oppertunity [opportunity] that doth [do] present & [and] if God permit I will endeavour [endeavor] to come wth [with] all
my family to make a settlement if you send me
word & [and] encouragement of the certainty & [and]
truth of the same and for your so doing you
will ever oblige your frien [friend] to my power

Mary Pike

Dated in the Isle [?]
March the 20th 1696/7

Mary Pike at the request of Geo Heathcoat [George Heathcote] these are
in answer to the above there wase [was] one Ralph Smith
made a will & [and] dyed [died] & [and] gave to his sister Susannah Pike
his apparrel [apparel] & [and]: wch [which] were delivered to her husbands [husband’s]
order he also ordered 110 acres of land so placed as
above to be sold and the mony [money] to be divided between
his said sister Susannah Pike & [and] his sister Jane Loyd [Lloyd]
there was nothing done upon the land as to call it a
plantation for in the inventory it was but
valued at 6 and it was afterword [afterward] sold for 12
with an intent that the mony [money] shold [should] have gone to his
sisters [sister’s] according to his will but the executor was
forced to pay debts with it there is some small matter
yet of his but there is a man demands more than
is in hand who is gone for England & [and] not yet returned
this Jos Pike [Joseph Pike] if he was thy [your] husband has been
fully informed of every thing [everything] what was on [missing word: torn page]
to say he had such a plantation I know not for [missing word: torn page]
art [are] and I have heard given him every time & [and] the [missing word: torn page]
truth of whats above I have now out of the [missing word: torn page]
inventory & [and] sale of the land all being now [missing word: torn page]
before me as also the account of disbursment
wch [which] is all at present from thy [your] friend

PP [Phineas Pemberton]
27th 5 mo [September] 1697

[page two]
[top right corner]

Mary Pike
Barbadoes [Barbados]
Mar [March] 20 1696/7
George Heathcote

Phineas Pemberton
5 mo [month] 27 1697
Mary Pike
Barbadoes [Barbados]

[middle of page]

Copy of a letter
from one Mary
Pike to Geo Heath
Cote [George Heathcote] who as I
suppose was the
wife of Joseph
Pike & [and] the
husband of
Ralph Smiths [Ralph Smith’s]
Sister Sussanah [Susannah Pike]
& [and]
a coppy [copy] of my
answer to it








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