
Anthony Banks



Sender Place



Phineas Pemberton

Receiver Place

Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 2

40.176667, -74.827778


Anthony Banks, Phineas Pemberton, Widow Talbott, Falls Township, Pennsylvania, Maryland, John Askew, Family life – affection, Death, Quaker, Society of Friends


Letter dated June 13, 1696 (June 3, 1696 Old Style) from Anthony Banks to his cousin, Phineas Pemberton. It is followed by a note written by Phineas at the bottom.


June the 3d [day] 1696 [June 3, 1696]

Cuzen [Cousin] Pemberton [Phineas Pemberton]

This Comes wth [with] kind Love & [and] hearty Respects to you
both, hopeing [hoping] these Lines may find you in Good
health as we are att [at] ^this^ prsnt [present] writeing [writing], these are ^also^ to Acq
uaint [acquaint] you that your Cuz: [cousin] has since she Came from
Your Country lost her husband & [and] Child & [and] [ink blot] was
Left m [me] much trouble, Otherwise would have seene [seen]
you before now, my wife has a great Desire to see you
wee [we] Intend if God permitt [permit] to Come to your Country
as soone [soon] as Opertunity [opportunity] psents [presents], wee [wee] are very Sorry for your Loss, Soe [so] haveing [having] this Opertunity [opportunity]
was willing to lett [let] you here [hear] from uss [us], hoping you
will be please [pleased] to Lett [let] us here [hear] from you per the first
Conveniant [convenient] Opertunity [opportunity], my wife Remembers
her Kind Love to Arthur Cooke & [and] his wife & [and] Sam
Carpenter [Samuel Carpenter] & [and] his wife this wth [with] [strikethrough] mine & [and] wifes [wife’s]
Kind Love to you both I remaine [remain] your ffd [friend] and
Cuzen [cousin], Anthony Banks

If you have an Opertunity [opportunity]
to send a letter pray direct it
to me att [at] the Widdow [widow] Talbotts [Talbott’s]
In Anarundell [Anne Arundel] County: Maryland

[Phineas Pemberton’s Response; bottom right of the page]

[Strikethrough] the 2 5/mo. [2nd day of the 5 month]

Anywere [Anywhere] the same day p [per] John
Askew to merry land [Maryland] wch [which] letter
was delivered at the wid. [widow] Talbotts [Talbott’s]
as by a letter from Jon Askew [John Askew]
upon the 6 mo [6 month] by & there comes a man here Calls
him self [himself] Anthony Banks & [and] prayed here that night & [and] on the 9th day being the first day of the weeke [week] & [and] that night
untill [until] the 10th day being second
day in the morning most of the family being out
about busines [business] he went his way asking afore [after] he
went where I was & [and] said he wold [would] go to me he
took with him a work cloth of mine my wife lent
him what elts [else] at present we know not & [and] have
made enquiry [inquiry] in the neighbourhood [neighborhood] But cannot
heare [hear] of him

[page 2]

[left hand corner in archivist’s hand]

Anthony Banks
June 3, 1696
Phineas Pemberton
Bucks [Bucks County, Pennsylvania]

[right hand corner]

To Phineas Pemberton
In Bucks County att [at]
the ffalls [Falls] of Dillaway
In Penselvania [Pennsylvania]
These Pesents [Presents]







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