
Daniel Gould



Sender Place

Rhode Island


Phineas Pemberton and Phebe Pemberton

Receiver Place

Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

41.580093, -71.477432

Country, State, Location 2

40.345165, -75.126389


Phineas Pemberton, Daniel Gould, Phebe Pemberton, Social Network


Letter dated March 7, 1697 (February 26, 1696 Old Style) from Daniel Gould to Phineas Pemberton.


Deare [Dear] Phinehas [Phineas Pemberton],
Phebe Pemberton

To whom is my Love beyond words: Before
John Adams went from hence, I writ [write] a few Lines
Intending to Sam: Jennings [Samuel Jennings] by him; but I feel short,
in Delivering: And I know not any oppertunity [opportunity] til [until] now;
and this is by a friend; one Tobias Dymock, who I hope
may Deliver it with his owne [own] hand, and give you Acco^t^ [account]:
of our Affairs: ffor [For] hath [has] Knowledge of most publike [public]
things in these parts. Jonathon Tyler hath [has] bin [been] from
hence in the Eastrn [Eastern] parts of this country, several
months; And we hear of Great flockings [flocking] to him.

This country, has a wise professing people in it; And
they [ink stain] that Com [come] here must not be novicess [novices]:
yes we want skilful [skillful] Labours [laborers]; that can
Divide things aright [alright]: for utterance, is a Great help
to Knowlegd [knowledge]; to sett [set] forth things to others: ffor [For]
many have a Blessed Knowledg [knowledge], and a Life in the
Knowledge; But want an utterance when the
fluent Tongue, many Times, goes beyond its Knowledge;
That is, Little favour [favor] in its Tongue utterance, though
Words of Truth: wherefore Let favour [favor] be gained;
that Gives favour [favor] to words: for he that is
meals. Ministry, in the words of Truth, that
hath [has] not the favour [favor] of Truth, Is as the Chaff
to the wheat; which ones [once] were together, But now
must be Divided; for what is the Chaff to the

My love to Deare [dear] Thomas Janney
and Grefie Owen [Griffith Owen], if Com [come] for I love them;
and many more among you, whose favoured [favored]
Remaines [remains]: ffor [For] the sweetness of the favour [favor]
so I cannot but Love one an other [another]: which is
the first and the Last. ffarwell [Farewell]: Dan Gould [Daniel Gould].
Road Island [Rhode Island]

In hast [haste], if any uncumlyness [uncomeliness] [faded words]
Put Comlyness [comeliness] upon it, for I meane [mean]
well, but not in hast [haste]

The Beare^r^ [bearer] here of may Inform
Me at Large.

[page 2]

[In archivist hand]

Daniel Gould
Rhode Island
12 mo. 2d. 1696/7
Phineas Pemberton
Bucks [Bucks County, Pennsylvania]







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