
Social Science

Undergraduate Student Presenter Information

Zoreed A. Mukhtar, University of Central FloridaFollow

Faculty Mentor

Charles Negy

Faculty Mentor Primary Department

Department of Psychology

Year of Presentation


Project Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

This study examined variables related to the doctor-patient interaction that can predict college students’ trust in their physicians. Specifically, I examined if five personality variables, ethnicity, and gender were associated with attitudes toward physicians. A second aim of the study was to determine if there was a difference in the level of trust in physicians between pre-medical and non-pre-medical students. Surveys were administered to UCF students containing a series of questions compiled from the Interpersonal Physician Trust Scale, Interpersonal Trust Scale, Illness Attitude Scale, Big Five Inventory, Martin-Larsen Approval Motivation Scale-Short Form, Almost Perfect Scale-Revised and Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale-Short Form, as well as 13 original questions that I developed. The sample consisted of 211 UCF students. It was hypothesized that lower levels of mistrust of others, symptoms of hypochondria, introversion, need for approval, and perfectionism would correlate significantly with trust in medical doctors. It was also hypothesized that there would be a difference in the level of trust in physicians between pre-medical and non-premedical students. Results indicated that on average, most participants across ethnicity and gender expressed uncertainty about their level of trust in their physicians. Ethnicity was not associated significantly with trust in physician. Gender was also not associated significantly with trust in physician. For Hispanic and African American participants, only introversion predicted trust in physician. For male participants, only hypochondria predicted trust in physician. Finally, pre-medical status was not associated significantly with a difference in physician trust.


health, physician, doctor, trust, personality, ethnicity, gender, patient, psychology, medicine


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Predicting Patients' Trust in Physicians from Personality Variables, Ethnicity, and Gender