

Henry Ker


One Henry Ker, evidently an American, traveled through part of the western United States during the years 1803 to 1810. Like many other travelers, he wrote a book embodying some of his experiences entitled Travels through the Western Interior of the United States. From the Year 1803 up to the Year 1810: with a particular Description of a great Part of Mexico or New-Spain. . . . (Elizabethtown, N. Y., Printed for the Author. 1816). The author, who was born in Boston, moved with his father to London at an early age and was placed in Westminster School and educated for a business life. However, he was imbued with the wanderlust and apparently indulged his predilections to quite an extent. The account, though seemingly exaggerated, is of value as showing something of the- size and appearance of Pensacola a few years before it came into the possession of the United States. The description of West Florida in general is also of value but far too short. This excerpt is from chapter XXXIV, pages 334-335.
