

Alice Whitman


FOREWORD. Two years ago Florida State College for Women was the recipient of an annual prize of fifty dollars offered by Mr. D. H. Redfearn of Miami for the winning essay on a selected topic in Florida History. The topic for this essay is selected by Mr. Redfearn with the consultation and advice of the Department of History of the College. Qualifications for the competition are broadly drawn because it is not the desire of the donor nor the department to limit it only to those who are specializing in history. Students are required to have had merely sufficient history to familiarize them with historical approach and method. The purpose of Mr. Redfearn in offering this prize, which is one of several given to as many institutions in Florida and Georgia, is two-fold. One arises from a recollection of his own student days and his continuing wnderstanding of young people and their problems. It is a gesture to help them as he was helped, by making fresh opportunities for them to seize. The second purpose grows from the active participation in many phases of economic and political life which have engrossed Mr. Redfearn’s mature years. This is a changing world and the ease and effectiveness of those changes which must come will increase as the knowledge and comprehension of past events is broadened. The topics selected for the Redfearn prize, it is hoped, will extend the horizon of the contestants in the heritage of their commonwealth. As the contest becomes established and the interest in it grows, such an aim will have a widening application. Miss Whitman’s essay ranks first in this year's contest. KATHRYN T. ABBEY, Head of the Department of History, Geography, and Political Science.
