

Daisy Parker


Research on the War for Southern Independence has reached a phase of investigation touching on the political, economic, and social activities of the leaders during and before its outbreak. This research has seldom brought, altogether favorable revelations of the conduct of many of the Confederates in their official capacity. Statesmen of the Lost Cause, by Burton J. Hendricks, the most recent work of this type, assuredly implies a question of the patriotic activity of many Southern political leaders. Specifically are the Confederate governors faced with the charge that they hindered the successful political and military operations of the Confederacy. An entire chapter is devoted to the Confederate governors as a cause of the collapse of the Southern armies because of their zealous, if unwise, custodianship of the rights of the respective states, or because of petty personal scores. Nor is this work alone in making this charge. Earlier works, as Owsley’s States Rights in the Confederacy, and Moore’s Conscription and Conflict in the Confederacy, have stressed the role of Confederate governors and some other officials in the defeat of the South.
