

H. Harold Hume


The southeastern United States, and in particular the part now embraced within the state of Florida, is an unusual area from the standpoint of its plant life. Here nature with a lavish hand scattered far and wide an unrivaled flora. It has no counterpart either in the United States or in the whole world. The number of species is great and individual specimens of the higher plants so numerous that in the pristine condition they completely covered the surface of the soil on all but the poorest lands. In support of this statement it may be added that there are known to be more than 3,500 flowering plants (3,512 are listed in Small’s Manual) and there are 314 trees, all native to Florida alone. By way of further emphasis, attention is called to 8 pines, 5 magnolias, 27 oaks, 15 hollies and 17 sunflowers native in Florida.
