The QUARTERLY is under obligation to the Florida Park Service for this contribution. Mr. Lewis G. Scoggin, Park Director, writes: “This translation is the work of Dr. Mark F. Boyd, Historian of the Florida Park Service, and is offered as a contribution by the Park Service to the Florida Historical Society, for publication in the Florida Historical Quarterly.” Dr. Boyd wishes to acknowledge his obligation to Dr. Irving A. Leonard, Head of the Department of Romance Lauguages, the University of Michigan, for his criticism of the translation and suggestions in relation thereto. This report, Zuniga to the King, January 6, 1703, AI 58-2-8:B3, is translated from photostats in the North Carolina Department of Archives and History, file 9-90, endorsed: “Notebook wherein on 63 sheets are the Royal Cedulas. letters . . . presented . . . by the attorney for His Excellency Camp Master Don Joseph de Cuniga and Cerda” “pp. 22-29. Thanks are due Mr. Henry Howard Eddy, State Records Officer, for arranging for the photostats.
Recommended Citation
Boyd, Mark F.
"The Siege of St. Augustine in 1702: A report to the King of Spain by the governor of East Florida,"
Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 26:
4, Article 6.
Available at: