

Florida was established as a functional part of the Spanish colonies in 1565. Saint Augustine was from the beginning the focal point of the Spanish Empire in Florida from which the social and cultural influences of the Iberian civilizers were radiated into the hinterland, transforming to some degree both the physical environment and the human groups bearing different ways of life which were encountered. But, not only from the standpoint of Spanish-Indian culture contact and acculturation does early Florida hold interest for the anthropologist. The imported European culture is also of tremendous importance to be understood in the development of Florida into a Spanish province of the American Indies, intrinsically for problems of culture history and changing social relationships as well as an adjunct to historical and archaeological investigation of the contact period. Different areas of the interior of the Province of Florida were touched in varying degrees, some only indirectly or hardly at all. Research on the society and culture of the Spanish side of this situation of culture contact would help complete the picture of the Spanish in Florida.
