

James P. Jones


Throughout 1878 AND 1879 Americans followed ex-President Ulysses S. Grant’s world tour. At the same time, Republican “Stalwart” leaders launched the “Grant for President” boom. In September, 1879, to the distress of his friends, Grant landed in California and began a slow procession across the country. While the tide seemed to be running in Grant’s favor when he returned to the United States, his supporters sensed a turn for the worse as Grant crossed the country. Senator John A. Logan, a Grant man, wrote Elihu B. Washburne that the “reception business” was being overdone, and its continuance would benefit the Blaine forces in the Republican Party. By Christmas, the Grant promoters had become convinced that Grant’s continued presence in the country would ruin his chances for the nomination. As a last resort these men talked Grant into making a trip to Cuba and Mexico.
