

Reviews of Richard Keith Call: Southern Unionist. By Herbert J. Doherty, Jr. (Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1961. vii, 195 pp. Illustrations, notes, index. $5.50.); Nuevas fuentes para la historia de Puerto Rico. By Aurelio Tio. (San German: Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, 1961. 653 pp. Notes, maps, bibliography, charts, appendix, index.); The Pied Piper of Peru. By Henry Hanson. (Jacksonville: Florida Public Health Association, 1961. $2.00 cloth; $1.50 paper.); Glimpses of the Panhandle. By Harold W. Bell. (Chicago: Adams Press, 1961. 227 pp. Maps, bibliography. $3.50); The Secession Conventions of the South. By Ralph A. Wooster. (Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1962. 294 pp. Maps, bibliography, index. $6.50.)
